Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Thursday, January 06, 2005


Yeah, so, umm...sorry for the mistreatment and absence of entry...I've actually been quite busy. And yes, I do genuinely feel bad about not writing so avidly as the beginning days. What can I say, there is life beyond internet, believe it or not. So, here's my chance to make up for the previous yet temperary haitus.

First and foremost, let me congradulate, well, me on finally getting a job, after over 2 years of applying here and there and surely bugging the hell out of people. I've finally a job as a cashier in a in a local grocery shop, and I will not go into specifics about how overwhelmingly confused I've been about all of these buttons and counting rules these few beginning days. This is my first and only day off, actually. Lucky you, ey?

Bits and peices of my family still owe me a couple hundred bucks, and aside from that I've finally earned up enough to send my housing prepayment to Columbia College, woot. Now all I need is about $3000 more...oh what to do. God I need a lot of money, and supposedly within the next few months. That isn't even including college, argh. I'm just really thankful that I at least have enough to send the housing application off- the rooms go really fast up there.

I did myself a really nice favor today: I made Me a mix titled "Chillin like Bob Dylan" it is very low-key, jam band, enviromental, indie-esque. It makes me happy; now I finally have something to listen to in Stevo's wheels (Stevo, i.e. twin bro). I think I'm going to make myself a lot and lot and lot of mixes, because basically all of my good music is on this computer--a computer that I'm only spending a few more months using, and then I'm packing up and getting the hell out of here.

I need a haircut.

My schedule's actually pretty cool this semester, and I am not one to use the word cool so loosely. Here is the lineup:

  1. US History: Piece of cake. It's a Freshman class (I wasn't here Freshman year), and the teacher is super easy. No questions, hands down, I'm getting an A
  2. Drawing II: ...What more needs to be said?
  3. Library Assistant: This is my fourth semester in the program, and I've sure learned a lot. This is one of the extremely few, if not only, things I'll miss about high school. The librarians are fucking. awsome.
  4. Homeroom: ZzZzZzZzzzz...
  5. Stats & Probability: A math class which I need in order to be accepted into any Missouri university, and to make up for a lacking half credit in Algebra II. Actually, I'm not going to college in Missouri, so it's worth shit to me. But hey, it probably looks good, and it's actually easy and interesting. A suprising thing for me to say.


  1. Student Worker: Heh, basically I sit in my favorite English teacher's class and do nothing, or go to the library and fool off. End.
  2. AP World Lit & Comp: Actually, and most miraculously, I did so much extra credit last semester for this class, I got an A, which, if you know me, is pretty bizarre, especially being AP. I'm very fond of English and Literature, so I like this one. The teacher's groovy.
  3. A+ Tutor: Once again, another plus for college, but once again, only for Missouri, so it's useless. I haven't gone yet, but I will start next week at a 1st-3rd grade center working with students. It should be pretty interesting.

And that's it. On Gold days I get out at 12, which is quite convenient for me, being that now it's apparent that I'm going to be a workaholic. Oh, did I mention work sucks? I mean, if I had a chair I wouldn't mind it so much, but to stand up for 6 hours is kind of...painful?

I had some other stuff to talk about, but I can't think of anything at the moment, so sorry. Oh, I know: There's a movie audition the 11th coming here, neato ey? Guess who's going to audition ; ) Uh huh. It's only an extra audition though, but whatever. The movie's titled Apocolypse and the Beauty Queen, anyone heard of it? Me neither, but it apparently has only one actor in it, from what I gathered off of IMDb. Hey, it's a start, and it's pretty exciting to me! hehehohohoooo...I can't wait to audition. I wonder if I'll get kicked out of the play...

Oh well.

Did I mention I'm in a play? Yes, it's called Godspell. It was at SMSU when I attended the PAI program, and it was damn good. HOWEVER, on a highschool level, and think it's going to be...well, I'll just say I think this Drama Director has to high of expectations on this group. He's a type-casting biast bastard anyways, so fuck'um.

That's that, sorry for the short paragraphs, but I'm quite tired and need my rest for the rest of my working week, AARRRGGHH. Alright, and hey, you take it easy, and I mean that.

Much love.