Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I don't want to go to school here anymore. The problem is, I can't very well get our of it...I mean, at least until May, which really sucks ass. I was thinking I could stick it out until then, but ignorance is bliss, and something I don't have, thus my grievance over this big damned waste of time. I really need a car, but I don't have money for one. If I had a job, I could have money, but I need a car for a job, and I need money to get a car. FUCK.

I really think my professers should start wearing clown suits or something. Then maybe I'll be better able to pay attention to them. I need to buy some stackers.

I'm looking all over this school page for advice, but all they have is this posotive stuff--no helpful place on if you want to drop. I need to get my shit together. I mean, mentally, and the literal shit that's devistating the floor of my room. Clothes/junk everywhere...what a mess. Truly a disappointment...I wish I'd not left Bristol this summer. But there's a reason for everything, I suppose...

If I can get out of school at the end of this semester, I'll be able to save money and earn money towards my move to Australia. I'm looking at a few school options out there, and the more I do the more I want to end right now so I can start sooner there. Why in the WORLD are our programs here 4 years long, and there's are even half of that? Highschool should end sooner, and college should be shortenned. This is utter bullshit. Lord, help me.