Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Saturday, August 14, 2004

PART I - The Bad

  • I am the most stubborn person I know, about anything and everything. Actually, most of the bad stuff about me probably all falls back to this one singular fact. Once my mind is set in one direction, there is no changing it, it doesn't matter what you do or say, and that is kind of sad. I honestly think that one of these days I'm going to die because I'm so stubborn. (i.e.- Eat this spinach, or DIE!)
  • I have controlled rebellion. This is not to say I am a rebel without a cause, nono, because then it would be uncontrolled. For instance, if I have clear intentions of cleanning my room, and right when I begin someone comes in and says "clean your room" all delay it for 15 minutes or something, just in spite. If someone bought me clothes without me picking them out beforehand, I would not accept them, no matter who it was, or how great the clothes were. Also, I think the reason I have this lies within the low expectations my family holds for me. Therefore, I rebel against them, and give them no credit towards any accomplishments. Hah.
  • I have a tendency to shove my foot down my throat. I wouldn't call it sticking my foot in my mouth, because sometimes I say some really hurtful things, but don't really mean it. For instance, I got on this kick about saying fatso a lot, and one day I happen to say it to one of my very good friends- who happened to be slightly obuse. Thank goodness she'd known me well enough to know I meant nothing by it. Needless to say, I stopped using that word. I've also had others hold grudges against me, even grown women, because I was pretending to be a snood, and they actually believed it.
  • When I get mad, I get mad. These occasions happen rarely, because one, I'm a pretty posotive person, and two, most of the time I unwillingly hide my feelings, as much as I'd like to get them out. The fact that it's hard to understand the dynamics of my personality may also contribute to this, because what's the use in trying to explain yourself if no one is going to understand anyhow? Therefore, in the rare moments that I get pissed, it is best not to be in the same room. Why? Well, I myself might kill you, you may go def by my boyish screaming and hollaring, and objects will be flying through the air with consistancy. Honestly, I don't think I can count how many holes I've put in walls with merely my fist.
  • I am very touchy about my private space, that is, my room. Unless permitted by me, no one should even THINK about going into my room, whether I'm in there or not. When I'm in there, the door is most all of the time shut, because I like to feel alone as in, I don't want to see your ugly faces (this isn't directed towards anyone, lol). The only person allowed in my room is my cat, and sometimes even he doesn't get the benefit. If one happened to open my room door without knocking...well, I don't even want to think about the consequence right now. Knocking is alright though...I don't mind knocking.
  • Lastly, I have household paranoia. No, I'm not afraid of being alone, actually, I prefer it that way. What I mean is, for example, if I'm talking on the phone, I'll go around the house to make sure it phone is secured in it's place, and then I'll talk in a secluded area. It doesn't even matter what the subject is. I always think someone is somewhere...listenning to something...So I'm very precautious, to the point of it being ridiculous.

Well....that's that....stay tuned for more fun-filled facts...