Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Tuesday, September 28, 2004


I remember when my favorite show was Real World. Ah, the days of ignorance *sigh*. That was around the time when...going out with someone meant making out at the movies on the weekends, and dumping them for stupid little things. That was around the time when mainstream music was OK to listen to, when it was cool to say "yes" on the Just Say No marches, and when sitting with less the 3 people at lunch meant you were an outcast. Come to think of it, I don't really miss those days...

Now I'm listenning to Elliot Smith...I think I'm turning into a hippie, save for the long hair and funky shirts...and bell-bottums...OK, a hippie, sketching physical appearance. Accept for the fact that I just got some moccasins. Seriously, but they're cool. They're blue-suede ;-) and the have some cool beads...ANYWHO... God... There are a lot of ...'s in this "paragraph." By the way, this post has no meaning. It just gives me another excuse not to do what I'm suppose to be doing, which should be self-explanitory by the title.

I just wish the summer would come. Sometimes I feel like after highschool I won't really know what to do with myself. Right now, as most fo the time, I feel like a can't wait until the effing summer comes. I'll be glad to get out. Sometimes people are too pressumptious about that, though, and that's why I have that mere apprehention apon graduating. Nonetheless, I'm getting out of this town, college or no, but hopefully the former.

I should pray more... But I said that selfishly, as in I should pray more for myself and getting into college. I've always thought that praying for one's self was bad, and that for sure if you prayed too much like that it was bad-form, and therefore your wishes would not indeed be granted. Therefore, bad in the day when I prayed (OMG), I would always pray for a billion general things (also psuedo bad form), and then a last one for me, which I'd spend more time on then the rest of the prayer. My prayer's always started out like this: (Lay Me Down To Sleep Prayer) "God bless the people in the nursing homes and the people that have cancer and aids, that they get better, and they get well, and when they get better they have a place to stay..." I don't know why those three were the ones I chose...they just were. And from thince I would probably say something about world hunger, kids without shoes, and some other lame stuff until I got to myself. (Yeah, like I'm NOT lame...) So, it's definantly decided that if I ever fall into a platform religion, it would be catholicism...even though that's probably the tritest, and has the worst publicity and most consperacies, et cetera et cetera.

OK, changing subject... I wonder who I'll go to Prom with... Wow, I just got a chilling wave a nausea bringing that up. Is that a sign? Maybe it's because the last 33 years I've gone out with guys who went with someone else...

Gah, I'm not going to be able to go to bed until 1 o'clock if I don't start this homework soon. Don't worry, I'll just end this and go move onto something else NOT homework related...maybe I'll eat something...yea. And it really pisses me off when people go through my shit. ARGH
