Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Sunday, September 05, 2004


spell your name backwards: Ener
have you ever had a song written about you: Do poems count?
what song makes you cry: Dunno...
what song makes you laugh: heh...The title is too vulgar for me to post
what's your all time fav. song?: There are a lot... October 27, The Background, Lives, Lover I Don't Have to love, Eunuch Provocateur, etcetc
what do you listen to before you go to sleep: My cat attacking a limb I forget to cover/me swearing
height: 5' 2"
hair color: brown
piercings: 4; 2 in each ear
tattoos: I've none

Right Now . . .
what color pants are you wearing: blue SHORTS *ehhum*
what song are you listening to: Doug- Bangin' On a Trashcan
what taste is in your mouth?: toothpaste ...mmmmmmm ;)
whats the weather like?: Sunny, with some clouds
how are you?: alive

Do You . . .
get motion sickness?: yes
have a bad habit?: taking things too literally
get along with your parents?: dad, yes, mum...well, I keep my distance
have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: hell to the no
have a current crush: "
have a big regret: I don't find necessity or benefit in regret, so no

Favorite . . .
tv show: I don't watch TV, but if I did...probably Real World
conditioner: Pert 2 in 1
book: Watership Down or the Exiles trilogy or the Heritage of Shannara chronicles
non-alchohol drink: I like smoothies, mmmmm
alchohol drink: light-shmirnoff lime, pina colada hard-tequilla, any vodka mix
things to do on the weekend: edit my movie, get caught up on things I couldn't do that week

Have You Ever . . .
broken the law: plenty
ran away from home: here and there
snuck out of the house: plenty
ever gone skinny dipping: in my shower...everynight...
made a prank phone call: yea, they were all to people I know though :/
tipped over a portapotty: no...
used your parents credit card: nope
skipped school before: Yea, but I've never skipped and gone someplace with anyone
fell asleep in the shower/bath: not that I know of
been in a school play: yes
had a boyfriend/girlfriend: of COURSE
had children: non
been in love: yea...
have a hard time getting over someone: yes
been hurt?: yes
gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: probably, hah, but not since middle school

Random . . .
have a job: full-time unemployed
your cd player has what in it right now: At the Drive-In, Zin and the Art of Chilling...probably a mix or 2
if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: jungle green
what makes you happy?: making movies
the next CD you're going to buy: I usually just burn them, but either Bright Eyes or Pretty Girls Make Graves

When/Who/What Was the Last . . .
you got a real letter: probably a few weeks ago
got an e-mail: today
thing you purchased: Cottun Candy and some videos
tv program you watched: The Golden Bowl (some IFC movie, kind of sucked)
movie you saw in the theaters: The Exorsict:The Beginning
kissed: Some asshole who will soon be rotting in hell
hugged: one of my nephews
song heard: Aladdin- A Whole New World
place you were [ besides home ]: picking my bro up at RollarZone
phonecall: my mum
you were depressed: last night (I just got the worst haircut ever, EVER)
you were in the hospital: For a checkup about my jaw

What Comes to Mind When You Hear . . .
car: truck
murder: crime
scape: goat
penis: dick
cell: phone
shoe: shrew
fun: slides
crush: break
music: genre
chalk: Kyle (Chaulk)