Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Sunday, October 30, 2005


So, tonight I went to bed a bit early, because after a long night of mucho fun on this Halloween weekend, I was tired as hell. It was easy for me to fall asleep, apparently, but when I opened my eyes again there was a figure standing in my room, at my bedside....OK, I thought to myself, who the hell is this? I'm still laying in bed, mind, so I'm not sure if I want to move or not, and after asking this person to unveil themselves he/she has not, and thus I begin to ponder. Is this a dream? It couldn't possibly be, right now feels SO real. So I try changing my bedroom attire--that doesn't work. Then I try changing to figure's face from beneath the shadowy veil, and it stirs a bit. Well, that could have been me, or they could have shifted a little, I thought. Then I attempted one last measure: I remembered reading about how sometimes in lucid dreaming you can actually step out of your body, so I figured I'd give it a go. Instead of the usual float above your body, I was just going to attempt to sit up. If everything was normal, then dammit who the fuck is standing in my room. But if not...well, I wouldn't know, because I've never tried it. Only one way to find out, so I thrust my legs over the side of the bed and sat up quick...

...to feel partially removed from myself. My response: Whoooaa. However, I was hesitant, and so still sort of connected with my physical body. The way to describe the sensations I felt at this moment would be....sort of weightless, but not like outer-space-I-can-float weightless, just like I weighed a lot less and didn't feel so much bulk or pull to the Earth. Also, and most prodominately, the funny feeling when parts of your body fall asleep...I felt that in all of the places that my self was NOT connected to my body, and so I had this strange sensation not in the form I was conscience in, but in the body of myself still lying on the bed. Nuts.

Having achieved this, whatever it may be, I could finally switch around the face a bit, so I did a couple of faces, but it was still hard to change the expressions and elaborate in much detail--I think this is because I have not drempt lucidly in a long while; at least a month or more. I took myself somewhere for a bit, but alas, I was pulled back into the waking world maybe a minute or two into my realization. This was odd for me as well, because I still was not sure whether I was awake or dreaming. I checked my watch a few times, and tried to change the time, but that did not work, and thus I was truly awake. However, one strange thing still lingered--my body had the tingly sensation that happens when a limb "falls asleep," but it was all over....Wow, I guess it really happened, I lied thinking for a while. I tried to get back into dreamland, but it's been an hour since. I've kind of been paranoid, because I'm not sure if I'm dreaming or not, thus I'm not sure if there's something in my room and that's a little frightening. This, however, is nothing to worry about--for in my mind I could control that anyways, but it's all a matter of how much selfdoubt or selfconfidence I have. I'm probably leaning more towards self-doubt these days, so I guess I'll have to work on that.

And that, my friends, is the end of my story. All in all, a truly bogus experience, but I hope it to not be the last. I would like to explore these happennings at further length, and see if I can break through the bariers of reality, which I feel are quite thin.