Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Tuesday, March 16, 2004


Baptists are, frankly, too simplistic for my likings, and my personal nickname for their type of Protestant is "The Easy Way Out." No, I'm not incinuating in any way that they are bad people, merely that they are simple minded and Christian pussies, pardon my language. I, myself, went to a few Baptist churches over the last few years, but have never truly been one myself. This is not to say that I delibrately refused become one, only that I could never bring myself to believe that things were that easy. Maybe it's just me, but what fun is a game if every level has been beaten? What good is a book if you've already watched the movie? Where's the challange in this? One simple "Oh God, forgive me of my sins and come into my heart" and all the sudden one has a VIP pass to Heaven. So, I'm guessing I'll see Bin Laden there?

Ney, I say, don't be a part of this pety excuse of a religious affiliation. I'm not saying drop the idea of Christianity, merely to open your eyes wider if you're a Baptist. What is a Christain that claims repentance, but continues his same bad habits? I have a few exs that could probably answer that riddle...

For myself, personally, I'm mainly an independent Christian at the moment, namely because I was raised that way. As a child and youth, I attended Presbatyrian churches, but never really learned anything, and felt that everyone intends for things to work out for the best. Therefore, their negative approach to man being naturally cruel made me writh away from the religion. My veiws on philosophical and religious terms are quite eccentric to those of many others. To put things bluntly, I believe in everything. Because we ourselves don't have any direct connection with the afterlife, anything is possible. Right now, whatever you imagine it to be is true. If you're wrong, chances are you'll never know, and if you're right, congratulations. I feel that, because everyone is different, whatever one believes will be true for them when the time comes. However, it's a bit more detailed and complicated than that. I believe there is a Heavan, but I don't plan on going there, or Hell for that matter. Actually, I plan on going wherever I want. I suppose I'll just float around until I decide to reincarnate or something, because I may get bored of knowing everything.

Previously, I had thought it possible that Christianity was indeed the only "right" religion, but that it was OK to not be so, because everyone would reincarnate until they were finally Christian. Depending apon the way they lived their life, they would either go to one of the 2 (or 3) places. However, I am not disclosing this idea because, as I've already stated, I believe in every religion, no matter how complex.

In life, I mainly favor the daoist and taoist approach. I can't go into detail right now, but if you have a chance to look them up, they derived from ancient China. They both mainly enstate to live in peace and not to interfere with the life of other creatures. This doesn't mean that you absolutely cannot raise cattle or ride horses, it just means to, for example, not control populations or hunt merely for prize and the likes. Harmony.

That's what it's all about.