Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Friday, August 20, 2004


Alright, I know this has been long awaited....DON'T deny it. My Official Class Schedule, dunDUNdun Alright, here it goes:

Black Days

1st- Lifetime Sports (easy; should go pretty smoothly, even though the big biast/stereotypical/sexist/well, you get the picture/belly-button-just-the-right-size-to-hold-my-beer can-and-watch-tv fat guys is teaching it...things should go pretty smoothly)

2nd- AP English Language and Composition (I'm not sure how this will go: either well, nearly well, or fairly bad. But I hear the teacher is good, and man, what a character. I'm sure I'd be able to do a picture perfect immitation of her after a few class periods)

3rd- Career Exploration Class (this is going to suck Nads Hair Removal Jell...SOOOO boring, but I sit behind the [in my opinion] HOTTEST guy in the school, but that's not motivational enough for me to not try and drop the class, considering I've already done so and failed)

4th- Seminar 12 (Homeroom, no big deal, except....A LUNCH ALL YEAR, WOOOO. Oh, and this exchange student from Czech Republic sits in front of me, who's name is Peter. I feel kind of bad for the guy, because I'm always cutting up with my Canadian and Christian [Katie and Sarah] who sit behind me, and he has to practically hit me to get my attention.)

5th- Portfolio Developement (Should go great- it's just drawing/painting/making SOMETHING to go in the local college art fairs, as far as I know. I just hope the guy doesn't expect me to major in it when I go to college...)

Gold Day

1st- TV Production (I wanted Newspaper instead of this, but damn it to hell...why didn't a sign up again last year? I'm kind of pissed about that, but it's my own fault...ANYWHO, I hope this goes OK, and I think I'll do good ONLY if the majority of grading is participation)

2nd- AP World Literature and Composition (This class is going to kick arse, fo serious ya'll. It's great, and all of my girl friends are in there....yea. English is definantly my strongest academic field, and I'm glad I like it. Plus, being in an AP class, I'm pretty sure MOST everyone else in there lieks it too, aside from the jocks/preps who are just taking it to look good for college)

3rd- Student Aide (Eaaaaasy peezy with a box of cheezies. I'm helping out this wonderful teacher, who happens to be the older aged mother of a kid I know, and who is an english teacher. The majority of the time, mind you, I'll probably be doing nothing or homework from other classes, but if I've nothing to do I'll be helping out with english stuff)

4th- Foods 1 (Seems easy right? Wrong. The vibe that woman was giving me was NOT cool...talking about taking notes, doing worksheets, all kind of other NOT hands on stuff....but she did mention some food labs. I'm hoping that's all just a front to gain our respect, and that for the most part we cook, otherwise...ahhh!)

5th- Library Assistant (Oh. Yes. I'm an aide in the library yet again. Another chance for me to catch up on homework, and to learn new liberal things. If all else fails, I'll be a librarian, bottum line. And these ladies are great- free pizza and soda!)

Did this all mork out to my liking? I guess for the most part. I'm looking most forward to my English classes and the ones in which I am a helper (which should be self-explainatory). Actually, I was signed up to work off-campus for the last three gold hours, but apparehently my sheet that I'd filled out so long ago got lost somewhere, because I never recieved any mandatory information or paperwork, therefore I couldn't leave school, and had to find some classes to fill the void. I will be doing that next semester though. Gah, I was extremely dismayed about that- because I had high hopes of working at the public library, whether it be voluntary or paid. I had my resume with me and everything. Well, so much for that idea. I don't know...it was just kind of heartbreaking to know that I had to stay in school instead of leave after 2 periods!

In other news...tennis. As of this moment, I am #5 on Varsity, which is pretty damn good conidering all of those ahead of me have been play for at least 3-4 years, and have recieved private lessons at the rate of $50 per lesson. I believe that if I try hard enough, and am determined enough, that I can make it to 3 or 4, but it sure will be hard. I'm satified at 5 though, all the better, because I don't want an even better chance at losing. The downside? I missed a practice, so not only do I have to attend a make-up practice on Saturday, but I've had to play the last 3 Advanced JV beneath me to keep my spot. The outcome? I beat them.

AND I had to play the one Varsity girl beneath me- the only person who's beaton me. You wouldn't believe how much I was sweating on that. The last match we played determined who would make #5- me, or her. And it was SO pertifying, not only was she the only one that had beaten me, but we kept tying and always ending up at deuce, and it kept going until the coach said we had to end it, because people had to go home.

So, they did this tied tournament thing that I've never heard of or seen before.

Sweat beaded down my face as I spinned my racket with one hand. I knew that it was now or never. This was it, and if I didn't win this, true, I'd still be on Varsity, but with that defeat I would not only lose my honor, but the chunk of respect I held for myself.

As the others attending settled down next to the court we were playing at, everyone became silent. Not only did they become silent, but everything around us- the wind, the birds- everything. I silently prayed for God to help me, but I knew that if I didn't help myself, all would be lost. So I told the old man that I would put forth as much effort as I could, and that I would NOT let my apponent win.

Words then came out of nowhere, and they sounded official. They rambled off slangs and rules that which I have never heard of before. They totally sliced tradition into billions of pieces, and now made another game within itself. The Tie Breaker.

I then served one ball. As it rose slow motion in the hair I felt a slight gust of wind at my back, and just as the ball froze in one small spot, airborn, and swunge me racket as hard as I could.

Her point

She then served two. My point, then her point. My point, then hers.

Just when I though it would never end, I told myself "No, she will not get another point. I will not let her." A small ray of light broke out through the cloudy sky, and I took it as my omen that it was now my time to shine. It was now my time to dominate. I called out the scare "5 serving 5." She had just won the last one, meaning that I would win this one, and she would win the next, if pattern proved correctly.

My point.

The final blow. I now new there was no turning back. My coached looked on at us both with an ashen face, but her eyes were alive with the fire of anticipation. I looked at me teamates, and saw the same gaze. Just when I thought things couldn't get any quiter, suddenly there was no sound around me. It was as if there was never such a thing. I unconsiously bounced my ball, 1...2...3, I rose up and my ball went high into the sky, and WHOOOOOSH!

Fault 1.

The situation could not have been any higher in anxiety. It was all around, like oxygen. One more ball to serve. It would be impossible for God not to her me calling to him now.

I fling the ball up in the air, for what I hope will be my last time. It's in, it's in! Now I have to be swift! Here it comes! There it goes again...it's coming back, aahhhh!!!


But I still have to play her again.