Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

At the end of the day though, you finally get to see all you've accomplished. And what a great accomplishment it is. Posted by Hello

Even if you think you're alone, it's always good to smile, just in case. Posted by Hello

You never really know where the camera's going to be, or what it might catch you doing. Posted by Hello

True, having fun is a big part of the job Posted by Hello

Don't be afraid to act natural. It is essential to be on the same level as your admirers. Posted by Hello

Another big rule: You musn't be camera shy. If you have a gut feeling you should try another position, chances are it's going to look great on camera. Posted by Hello

Attitude is also a big issue. You want to show people you're having a fun time in your cool new shirt, don't you? Posted by Hello

Others can be extremely painful. Posted by Hello

It is also beneficial to be flexible--some positions can become pretty paintul. Posted by Hello

Know this: you have to be a risk taker. There is no position to large or small to conquer in the modelling world. Posted by Hello

Sometimes you have to wear animal skins, so you should naturally be an animal lover. Posted by Hello

Style is always a contest- you want to fit in, while at the same time being unique. Posted by Hello

For some, it is a fairly trying experience Posted by Hello

For instance, you have to have good people skills, and make your feelings look genuine. Posted by Hello

Sure, all of the luxuries are nice, but there's a lot of work that goes into modelling. Posted by Hello

Well, here's some news for those of you seeking the truth... Posted by Hello

IT'S NOT. Posted by Hello

They think it's all just a bunch or horsing around, and being really really good-looking. Posted by Hello

Some people don't realize how hard modelling really is- Posted by Hello

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

(as interpreted by Sigur Ros in Avalon)

Well, tomorrow is my birthing day. When the dial on the clock reaches 44 in the hour of 8 in the morning, upon this I will have cross over into the not-so-wide world of legality.

So, what's interesting?

Nothing. Here's the irony of it: I can now legally buy cigarettes--I don't smoke. I can now watch pornography or call up an 800 number of such--I have no desire to do so. So, the only things about it that REALLY benefit me are that now I don't have to put my age on job applications, and...that sounds about it to me. Oh, and I can work in a movie store, woot.

Isn't it funny when your family pleads for you to make a Christmas list, because you're so particular and they never know what to get you, so you finally make one, and they never get you what you put on there? That sucks. Maybe I need to make a list of what I "Don't" want, and they'll get all of it for me. I'm pretty sure my Mum has skeemed everyone to get me what she thinks I need. That sucks.

So top it all off, I am unbelieveably picky when it comes to clothing. For some reason, I refuse to wear anything that I didn't personally pick out. OK, my family has known this for years now, so, as my brother and I were going over to our grandmothers apartment, I was openly musing to him about what we might get. I made a joke that "Hey, maybe she'll get us some T-Shirt!" But then tossed the idea, telling him I knew they couldn't possibly be THAT stupid.

I was wrong.

I mean, I AT LEAST thought she'd get me a DVD I'd wanted, or SOMETHING, but here's what I actually got: Half used body spray, which was actually mine because I'd left it over there for when I spent the night with her, half a wrap of hairbands that I thought I'd sold in a yardsale this summer (and, by the way, my hair's too short for them now, anyhow), and, tadaa, a shirt. I mean, it's my 18th year being associated with these people, and they still, STILL, get me this kind of shit?

Well, I was polite, and thanked her with a smile. Yeah, you know what she got my brother? Two old toys he didn't want that she'd offered him weeks ago, and a T-Shirt.

Thanks Grams, you're the best.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

You are a Buff Girl!

You've got a boomin' body and a fearless spirit.Most guys have trouble keeping up with your energy and fitness level.Competitve and fun loving, you're up for almost anything.Make sure you pick a guy who doesn't mind getting beaten by a girl!

What Kind of Girl Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You Are Psyche!

Eternally in search of purpose and insight.You're curious and creative with a total sense of wonder.Totally empathetic, you pick up on other's moods easily.Just be sure to pamper yourself as well!

What Goddess Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You Are Summer!


What Season Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You Are Boy Shorts!

You're stylish, trendy, but not over the top.You know how to look good - without looking like you're trying too hard.Men think that you're cute, friendly, and approachable.And you've got a spunky, fiesty side that comes out after a while!

What Kind of Panties Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You Are A Woman!

Congratulations, you've made it to adulthood.
You're emotionally mature, responsible, and unlikely to act out.
You accept that life is hard - and do your best to keep things upbeat.
This makes you the perfect girlfriend... or even wife!

Are You a Girl or Woman? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You Will Be a Modern Bride!

While you aren't ready to throw away all wedding tradions, you want a wedding with a twist
You're more inspired by celebrity weddings on E! than from bridal magazines
Whether this means getting married on the beach barefoot or a mariachi band for the reception...
Your wedding will be a blend of old and new - white dress cocktail, personalied vows, whatever suites you!!

What Kind of Bride Will You Be? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You are a Cautious Red Light Dater

Your dating motto is "slow and steady leads the race"
You prefer a long courtship to a whirlwind romance
This doesn't mean that you are anti-social or cold
You just need time to warm up to the right guy

You're online dating style?
You are likely to take your time on your profile
Then, wait and see what kind of guy emails you
As you get more comfortable, you meet more people.

What's" Your Daing Speed?Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You Are A Perfect Date!

Your manners are always spot on
And you know how to make a guy feel great...
...While still letting him do a bit of the chase
Chances are, your only dating problem is too many offers :-)

Are You a Good Date? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You are Ready to Date Again

If you're not out there already, you should be.
Your ex is long gone from your heart, and you are ready for another relationship.
Any guy you meet gets a clean slate - and no emotional baggage.
Congratulations, you've gotten completely over him.
Now, on to a better guy :-)

Are You Ready to Date Again?Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

Hah, it's a miracle! I can't beleive it! Hey, maybe now I might tap dat with Chuck... >:)~

Monday, December 06, 2004


Eh, not much to say, for the moment being, but a lord of it on my mind....for later application. So, because I feel like avoiding this better left unsaid, I think I'll post my very first movie reviews and or impressions...not sure why, because surely no one will care. Well, I JUST FEEL LIKE IT, alright? Alrighty, here we go... (oh yes, and book reviews as well)

Wait. Just because I say book review, doesn't main I'm going to write a standard few paragraphs about something. I could so that, or I could give an identification line to it (one simple sentence describing my feelings of it), or simply a thumbs down/up. Who knows, so don't take my for Jesus when I'm only a deciple. Alright, moving on...

Mystic River (movie, 2003)- "Geniously written for the cliche mind." I saw every twist and turn coming, come on now, that's no fun? Sean Penn is my favorite actor, though, and he did indeed do marvelously (but he still should have won best actor for I Am Sam instead of this peice of shit film).

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty (book, 198..4?)- "Weirdest fucking book I've ever read." Yeah, don't ever read it. I was wondering what "erotic books" were like, so I read this one...now I wish I'd never even heard of them. This book almost outweighs how much the movie Passion of the Chirst sucked.

The Passion of the Chirst (movie, 2004)- "All in all, terrible cinematography and a big waist of screentime." I couldn't believe how much this movie sucked, though surely it made out very well in the box office, especially in the south, and with the aid of church groups going to see it weekly. Scenes were dragging, and I mean DRAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGIIIIINNNNNNGGG, 20 minutes of Jesus carrying a cross...alright, I think we get the picture that that's a pretty labourous (is that a word?) ordeal, but you're killing me with focusing on the one object, trying to switch it up with different angles, for TWENTY MINUTES. I can't count how many times I nearly fell asleep. Also, the cinematography was TERRIBLE, who the hell hired these people? Eleven minutes, or so I here, though it seemed longer, on Jesus being beaten, and numerous continuity problems (i.e. one minute seeing 2 Jesus Ribs, the next only one; i.e. Jew on the left side of Jesus, helping him carry the cross, the next shot of him on the left.) Well, surely I could go on and on about how much this movie sucked, but I'd like to at least say SOMETHING posotive, which ultamitely reveals how BAD the movie was: Satan was my favorite character. That was the only aspect I liked of the film, because Satan was portrayed as a unisex, and as fairly human and reasonable, which is why it's so easy to fall for his tricks. It turns out, Satan was played by an Italian woman, but I had to look that up on IMDB! OVERALL RATING:-8529

BACK TO SCHOOL (movie, 1986)- I love this movie. Classic Rodney Dangerfield hilarity, and the beginnings of the later impeccably talented Robert Downey Jr, who was my fav in the film. I use to watch this film all the time over the summer of '98, and every now and then I still rent it. In fact, I hear they are planning a remake of it, which will come out in 2006, but I bet that's going to really suck, and I bet Mandy Moore will have a part in it (not that she's bad or anything...hah) ANYWHO, I predict it will be nowhere near it's original, I mean, If something isn't broken, don't fix it, right? OVERALL RATING: 9.5 (I will never ever go above 10, just to let you know, but I will indeed go FAR below 0, because some films really are worth it)

Thursday, December 02, 2004

[[ 1 ]] NAME: Ren 10 10
[[ 2 ]] BIRTHDAY: December 16th
[[ 3 ]] HEIGHT: 5'2"
[[ 4 ]] SHOE SIZE: 8 1/2
[[ 5 ]] EYE COLOR: Brown/Green
[[ 6 ]] HAIR COLOR: Brown

Have you ever..
[[ 7 ]] BEEN KISSED: Yea
[[ 8 ]] DONE DRUGS: Am I that desperate for a good time?
[[ 9 ]] BEEN ON STAGE: Yes
[[ 10 ]] HAD SEX: No
[[ 11 ]] BEEN DUMPED: Once
[[ 12 ]] GOTTEN INTO AN ACCIDENT: That's not very specific, but surely
[[ 13 ]] EATEN AN ENTIRE BOX OF SWEETS: Most Definantly
[[ 14 ]] DYED YOUR HAIR: Not that I know of
[[ 15 ]] CHOKED IN FRONT OF SOMEONE: I don't think so
[[ 16 ]] WENT TO SCHOOL IN YOUR PJ's: Maybe
[[ 17 ]] GOTTEN DETENTION: Plenty
[[ 18 ]] LOVED SOMEONE SO MUCH THAT MADE YOU CRY: Yes (not just romantic)
[[ 19 ]] DO YOU LIKE SOMEONE RIGHT NOW: Not at all

This or That
[[ 23 ]] COLD // HOT: hot
[[ 24 ]] BLACK // WHITE: White...it's so much more posotive
[[ 25 ]] RAIN // SNOW: Snow
[[ 26 ]] GIVE // RECEIVE: Recieve
[[ 27 ]] WOOL // COTTON: Cotton
[[ 28 ]] ROSE // DAISY: Rose
[[ 29 ]] PRIVATE // PUBLIC SCHOOL: Public
[[ 30 ]] PLAIN // CHOCOLATE MILK: Chocolate Milk
[[ 31 ]] HISTORY // SCIENCE: History
[[ 32 ]] MATH // ENGLISH: English
[[ 33 ]] SPRING // FALL: Spring
[[ 34 ]] ROCK // COUNTRY: Rock
[[ 35 ]] PEPSI // COKE: Pepsi
[[ 36 ]] LOVE // LUST: Lust
[[ 37 ]] EAT // SLEEP: Eat; Sometimes it's hard to go to sleep--it's easy to eat

[[ 39 ]] WHO IS THE MOST ANNOYING: Katie...only sometimes though
[[ 40 ]] PERSON YOU WISH TO SEE MORE: Verny, Lori, Gina, Nickie, Liz
[[ 41 ]] WHO DO YOU E-MAIL THE MOST: Uhhh... I talk to Vern the most on here
[[ 42 ]] WHO'S THE LOUDEST: Liz, by far
[[ 43 ]] WHO'S THE SHYEST: Sarah, but she's coming out...
[[ 45 ]] WHO GOTS THE BEST ROOM: Verny, most definantly
[[ 46 ]] WHO'S THE HORNIEST: ...Lori and Vern are a tie here >:)~
[[ 47 ]] WHO DO YOU TRUST THE MOST: Verny and Lori
[[ 48 ]] WHO KNOWS YOU THE BEST: Probably Verny (Lori hasn't been on much lately)
[[49 ]] WHO'S YOUR BEST FRIEND: Sarah, Katie, Verny, Lori, Nickie
[[ 50 ]] WHO DID YOU HAVE A SERIOUS TALK WITH: Verny, Lori, Sarah
[[ 51 ]] WHO GETS ALONG W/ YOUR PARENTS: Sarah, hah
[[ 52 ]] WHO HUGGED YOU THE MOST: Hmm..Sarah, even though she's the most manic about touchy-feely situations, but at least that lets me know I'm pretty important to her
[[53 ]] WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST: Lori and Vern
[[ 55 ]] WHO ARGUE W/ YOU THE MOST: Sarah and I argued once...but it lasted 2 minutes, and was pointless from the beginning (she was PMSing, alright? Sheesh, girls...)
[[ 56 ]] FAVORITE FRIENDS OF THE OPPOSITE SEX: Ummm...I have to be careful about that kind of thing... Probably Jon, because he's got a girfriend, so he really is a real friend :D

[[ 57 ]] GIVE HUGS: yes, as long as I'm not the one to initiate them
[[ 58 ]] GIVE BACK RUBS: Yes, but most of the time I'm too self-conscious to give them
[[ 59 ]] TAKE WALKS IN THE RAIN: Sometimes, yes
[[ 60 ]] WATCH TV: No
[[61 ]] GO TO THE BEACH: Yes
[[ 62 ]] DO HOMEWORK: What kind of question is that?
[[ 63 ]] PLAY IN THE SNOW: Yep
[[ 64 ]] WORK OUT: Not lately
[[ 65 ]] TALK ON THE PHONE: Sparingly, but I do pretty well with Sarah
[[ 67 ]] GO ONLINE: Yes
[[ 68 ]] BE KISSED: Depends on the quality of the kisser
[[ 69 ]] DO WEIRD // FREAKY THANGS: Wow, what a surprisingly offensive question. I officially omit this Q from the survey

[[ 74 ]] BEEN TO A CONCERT: Local
[[ 75 ]] BEEN OUTTA STATE: Dear God yes, that's the only thing keeping my sanity
[[ 77 ]] RAN ROUND NAKED: ...probably...
[[ 78 ]] BROKEN A BONE: Not that I know of
[[ 79 ]] CHEATED ON A TEST: Hehe...Veeeernyyy..
[[ 80 ]] RUN A MARATHON: Not that I recall
[[ 81 ]] MET A FAMOUS PERSON: Yes, but I had no idea who she was, and still don't
[[ 82 ]] BOUGHT SOMETHING AND SOLD IT: Come on, everyone has Yard Sales
[[ 83 ]] STOLE FROM SOMEONE OR SOMEWHERE: Yes, way back in the Preschool years
[[ 84 ]] STALKED SOMEONE: Haha, if so, I would say in 7th grade...does anyone remember?

[[ 85 ]] SINGLE OR TAKEN: Thank God I'm Single
[[ 86 ]] IF YOU WERE TO GO OUT W/ ANYONE, WHO: Jonny Lee Miller; he's good-looking
[[ 87 ]] HAVE YOU EVER HAD AN ONLINE RELATIONSHIP: ::sniffle, sniffle:: That's a sensative subject... ::breaks down and cries::: ;D

[[ 88 ]] BAD HABITS: I'm too stubborn for my own welfare
[[ 89 ]] MAKES YOU MAD: Logan, close minded people, improperly used words, predjudices
[[ 90 ]] SCARIEST MOMENTS: What I found out my Grandma broke her shoulder
[[ 91 ]] WHERE ARE YOU: You just had to ask that after that question, huh?
[[ 92 ]] ARE YOU WEARIN(g) ANY JEWELERY: 4 Hoops, 2 in each ear
[[ 93 ]] LAST TIME YOU SHOWERED: Last Night
[[ 94 ]] COLOR OF PANTS YOU'RE WEARIN: Ummm...tan?
[[ 95 ]] WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENIN TO RIGHT NOW: Godspell- Save the People
[[ 96 ]] LAST THING YOU SAID: "That's kind of a rip-off..."
[[ 97 ]] COMPUTER DESK IS MADE OF: Wood and...mmmeetal?
[[ 98 ]] LAST THING YOU ATE: 4 Hot Pockets, 2 Mini Doonuts from Wal*Mart
[[ 99 ]] WHAT YOU REALLY WANNA DO RIGHT NOW: Steal a bunch of money, run away with my twin bro to Bristol, save up more money, run away again to the city, and take my chances at the big wide world in entertainment

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!KICK ARSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!