Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Saturday, April 01, 2006


It started out pretty dull, but not that everyone is kind of getting into the system and writing better it has become pretty interesting. Tonight I actually followed the assignments, as she is very loose on subject and pretty much says we can do anything. I finally got around to writing a poem based on a paiting, and I must say what I beautiful painting it is, truly. I'm going to look up more on this artist--her name is Alice Dalton-Brown, and you wouldn't BELIEVE how real this stuff is! I hope one day I'm that good, but that's like wishing I were Beethoven and only knowing chopsticks on keyboard, hah! Anyhow, here is a link to the painting I am referring to in the poem; it is called Blue Comes Through:

Also, I did a character/fairy tail based stanza poem, and after reading it I must say it definantly ranks in the top 5 poems that I'm proud of. I mean, it might even get up to one simply because it's totally outside of myself and feels so genuinely...genuine! I'm really pleased with how it's come out, and I hope my teacher takes to it as well. It's based off of the musical Peter Pan, and it's basically a love letter from the adolescent Peter to his dear friend Wendy. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to set it really far ahead, to where she's been in the real world and how now gotten old, or to when she is taken off by pirates, so I left it in the dark so that it could be open interpretation. For me, I like the thought of it being long after she's left (though time goes much faster in Neverland, so he can't really tell), and after all of this time to think on it he's come to this conclusion and makes a promise to let her know of it, somehow, some way. Anyways, I should stop rambling and get to it. Here you go, let me know what you think! Haha, and just HOW are you going to do that? Oh well, maybe you can stalk me on the internet.

The Mighty Sea and Me

Where am I escaping to?
Can I spread out my arms, wide
And tumble face forward into
Your mighty blue abiss?
Would you allow me to?

Your soft coughs caress
The curtains of my abode,
And yet you do not assult them
With your salty drops of sweat.
I am thankful for your graciousness.

Allow me to extend my apology
For taking your "hello"s for granted,
And for those others
Who rape you so, from all angles;
Allow me to lie face down into your dark sheets,
And have you smother every bit of me.

From Peter with Love

Dear Wendy,

Just hear me out for a minute.
I've had some time to think,
and I realize what I said to you
was foolish. Of course I'll be Father,
and you can be even more than Mother.

You can be the Queen.

I didn't expect you to run off like that.
Where are you now? Perhaps off
with the indians, or kidnapped
by the pirates--who can say?
Maybe, even, you went back home.
That's what the Lost Boys say.

How could I have treated you that way?
Wendy, I promise, cross my heart
and put a needle in my eye
That one day I will come and avenge you,
wherever you are, and that we
can exchange thimbles just like before.

Maybe you'll never even get this...
But! If you do! Know that, well...
I really like you. Well, what I mean
to say is a really really like you...
OK, OK, but don't tell abybody...
I love you. - Peter