Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Trouble, Oh Trouble

My mum sucks. So does financial aide.

So, it has come to my recent attention that pretty soon, within the next month or so, I'm pretty much not going to have any cash. This will in no way stop me from fulfilling my dreams, as I'm sure you all know, but it may definantly hinder my near future, i.e. I might have to find some other job that will gaurentee me fast cash, which means no movie, which means...I may be fucked in a year or so. I could still change my plans. But let me tell you girls what's up:

My mum, though she still claims me as a dependant, has decided to no longer pay my rent (which would only be for two more months anyways, but that's about $500 I'll have to splurge). I think she should since I'm still in school, but whatever. Then I call up financial aide because my $2000 work-study scholarship isn't showing up on my statement. You were right, Kim--turns out the money I'm making is the money in the scholarship. My current balance (what I owe the university) is $1773. As of April 3rd, I have $1853.07 in my bank account. With what I'm going to be putting out towards the school and rent (thank the good Lord above for OFA), it looks like little Rene is going to have *maybe* $500 at the end of May. Now sure, that's enough to pay for my travel insurance.....

Something is fishy, ladies. Besides the part about my mother lying to me about not recieving child support for the past seven years, or the fact that every tax season she loans out three and four thousand dollars to my sisters, or the fact that she changed her address around so that she could still recieve checks from the government for Stevo when he went to live with dad.

...anywho, to make a long story short...I'm needing some major dough, and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to do that right now. I HAVE to have money for my SAG membership (which yes, I can make in payments, but that bitch is about $1600), and a little over $900 for my round-trip ticket to Australia by the end of June. I don't know how, but I'm going to have to approach my film director and talk some serious finance. I'm also going to have to call up OFA for some advice and clearance, as well as the school for when they're going to need the money, and BESIDE that issue I'm going to have a $2026 Stafford loan over my shoulders in 6 months. Personally, I'd like to have EVERYTHING paid off before I leave, but that stuff alone is looking to be some $4600 odd, and I'm going to need money on top of that handy for when we move down under! That means, roughly, I've got to find a way to make at LEAST $6000 in the next few months. I think I'm going to try and get a Temp in Bristol, and I'll try updating you guys in the next few days as to what results of this conflict, but boy is there some weight on my shoulders right now....