Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Friday, November 19, 2004

Boy oh Boy oh Boy.

Well, I just got my wisdom teeth out a few days ago- oh no, I've no wisdom left! Hah, not like I had any before then. I retned some fucking crappy asds movies too, on top of it all. I can't really type or read well with this medicantion, so I bet this post is going to be quite humorous. Ahhhh, yea, so I'm on penaciline and vicadon right now, and I've been having some strange dreams. Not necesarily the perdicaments within them, but it's more along the lines of I can't tell the difference between dreaming and reality. It's quite odd. I know when I'm dreaming, but some of the things I'm doing in the dream I'm actually doing while I'm lying on the couhc. For examplke- this mourning I was having a dream and it had something to do with someone wanting to drive a car when they didn't have a liscece, and I suggested the person (Verny) with the liscence drive, and I gave the person the thumbs up with a smirk and squinted eyes. Guess what I woke up doing? Holding a thumbs up with a smurk and squinted eyes. I won't go into further details, because then it would become tedious, but that's been happenning for a few days now

I've also been hearing talking while I'm all alone in the house. I definanntly think I'm hylucinating on that one, or that it's actually me talking without knowing it (because I'm also talking in my sleep, which also wakes me up) I actually heard someone moan really loud in my ear the other day, then I openned my eyes and looked around really quick, and no one was there. I guess it was myself, but I don't see why, because I was in no pain (thank you drugs).

What sucks the most is that the movies I was so excited about renting turned out to be shit. What sucks even worse if that I can't even eat the Butterfinger BB's I bought with the movies. I've been stuck to a strictly fluid diet. Pineapple juice, apple juice, tomatoe juice, you name it. The tomatoe juice is disgusting, so I don't drink that :-) TOmatoe soup is alright, but I'd prefer chiucken noodle. I've been having chicken noocdle for the past few days.

Boy, I have some greeat friends. Sarah called me the other day, and she said she and Katie are going to come visit me today after school. I wish she hadn't have told me though, cause I like suprises. I've been wanting to talk to Verny and Lori, but I lknow they are both very busy. I wish they could come visit me too. My friends up here are also spending the night tomorrow night, and we're going to watch: Pulp Fiction....I can'tg rememebr oh and Silence of the Lambs AT LEAST those two. Some others that I want to watch are Lost Boys, I Am Sam, Back to School, The Other Sister, Chaplin, and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Well, I'm going to go eat my difuckingscusting soup now
