Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Monday, November 01, 2004


Warning: Cliche' Blog ahead, read at your own risk. (you may feel a slight pain or throbbing in your head; that is the effect of this being painfully placid)

So, I had a good Halloween this year :), well, Halloween weekend, that is. Alright, I'm going to turn untra girlie for a millisecond, I swear....:::puts on valley girl voice::: Like, OMG peeps, I hung out at my friends house, for the first time in a long time, and it was so totally fun, and there was this hot guy there, and I thought he was sooo hot! Did I mention that this guy was really hot? Anywho, so, turns out, this guy like totally digged me too! Oh sooo cool, like OMG, he was tall, lean, chizzzzzled, dark hair, bright eyes....woo! And like, for the first time in like, forEVER I danced with someone- Him! Yea, and he was all like "Hey, I really hope I get to know you better"!!!one!

***Immediately turns back into a human being*** Boy, was that the most disgusting post I've ever posted...anyhow...yeah, the guy was kind of...well, a little more than kind of annoying, but hey, he was really attractive. However, I know all too well how that story goes; I've been on that boat a few times, and would rather not venture back. Honestly, though, one of my girl friends told me that every time I wasn't around he would keep talking about how perfect I was- I was cool, I was funny, I was cute- the works. Do I believe it? Hmmm, well, once again, I've been on that boat, so I'm kind of skeptical at the moment. Also, I was one of the few women there that were single, and the guy, I hear, was sort of already dating someone (someone who was not there, and whom everyone was talking about, commenting about how meretricious and "loose" she was/is). Guys, huh? Yeah, tell me about it.

Besides the fact the he was kind of FUCKING ANNOYING *caugh* it was a fun night, and it was fun to be flirting again, which is an activity I haven't partaken in in months. Also, I did not get drunk at all this weekend, and I wasn't even frustrated about it- I didn't even care, because I was having such a good time. I suppose I have been getting a little pissy about it the last few weeks because all of the other places I've been have been just crumby places where I don't want to be.

Even the night before was great, and I didn't even have anything to drink or go to any parties or anything. My friend and I, after visiting another sick friend and hanging low for awhile, ended up coming back to my place, drinking Mountain Dew out of wine glasses and eating Hot Pockets, listenning to music, playing the Ouija board, and talking until 4 in the morning. The Ouja board was especially entertaining that night, for one it was actually working, secondly, it was near Halloween, and much of everything it spelled out was correct, but it worked better for my friend. Jolly good. Jolly.

But y'know, I just keep thinking about that guy, and I'm not sure why. Yes, I'm passively interested, but he's with someone, and that's definantly not my style. Plus, I've come to not trust good looking guys, I mean, thinking about Yin and Yang, how everything evens out with an opposite, if he's good looking on the outside, can there honestly be anything within? I would just mess around, and have it merely be a physical thing, but he's quite a bit older than me, and I'd say he's had a lot more sexual experience than I, which equals me being forced to do something I don't want to, or more extreme than I want. So, first a friendship, and maybe some light stuff, and we'll see where it goes. But so far, personality wise...

...I think he's stupid. : D