Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Saturday, April 17, 2004


We tried to undo the damage done, but it lingered, and inevitably crushed us

Ever since that one fateful night you let me down

It's been waiting for us around the corner

Waiting for us to not look when we tried crossing the street

That which we did so many times

We use to have it, you know

We were unstopable, you and I

It's unbelieveable to think of all that's happened

When I think of how it use to be, and how it was before that,

When we just looked at each other through the cages we'd made for ourselves

Did you lose the light that once amitted from you,

Or was it simply from the hole in the wall?

And now, finally, I have to take the stand for the both of us

Why do I feel I've always known you'd be too weak to do it?

No, I don't want you to, I'll be the willing martyr

Here comes the intersection, you know who's around the corner

So...I'll confront him, while you go left, OK?

There's no use in arguing, my mind's already made up.

Godspeed you, and I pray you don't ruin what you come across in the future

The way you did on that fateful night