Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Saturday, April 10, 2004


Here I sit at 12:15. I still have my nice clothes on that I haven't gone anywhere all day in but to Movie Gallery. I took a shower and shaved my legs for no particular event. I'm going to sleep in the car tonight so I don't have to get up and ready before 8, when I have to go visit my sisters for Easter. Logan feels like he's finally come to terms with what he really wants, and is afraid of hurting my feelings. I, on the other hand, am far ahead of him, and have already made that decision before he even thought about making one himself.

I couldn't imagine things any other way.

It seems that there should be something more to say on the subject, but there really isn't anything left of importance. It'd be kind of like trying to elaborate a scene that's been going on forever, but only talk about sausage (if THAT makes any sense). Impatience overruled the situation, though I have long since stepped back from it to be but a mere spectator. Nothing's really been the same since that night. It seems as though I'd finally fallen off the cliff I'd skimmed for so long, only to land on a totally different planet adjacent to my "friends." On this planet, time goes faster and is used more productively.

It seems as though everyone is way back in the distance, like so many things, and I'm entering a different stage. To what, I don't know, but to keep walking while trying to squint back and keep sight of everything is impossible. So far, I'm ahead of everyone, and that's alright for me I suppose. On the other hand, I imagine it to be quite hard for the others, kind of like carpooling with one person living 15 minutes out of the way.

It seems that Logan tried to keep up. He couldn't keep up, as many can't. He's afraid to jump out of the circle and begin his own. Not to sound like an egotist, but it's been obvious for quite a while that he's a follower, and that's all he'll ever be until and if something miraculous happens. Once Logan was a good Christian boy. Logan's friends didn't believe in God, so why should Logan? Once Logan was drug free. Logan's friends did it all the time, and were OK, so why couldn't Logan? Once Logan had a crush on a girl, and they finally got together.

He disappointed her, so why shouldn't Logan?