Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Friday, July 30, 2004


  1. Go to outerspace (and why the hell NOT!?!?)
  2. Own a Mitzubishi Eclipse
  3. Eat at a bug restaurant (alright, NO roaches, thank you)
  4. Get my tongue pierced (soon!)
  5. Go scubadiving
  6. Go to college
  7. Become a film director
  8. Meet my idols (so to speak)
  9. Write a book or publish my poetry
  10. Travel to Euro!
  11. Perform in the Paramount again
  12. Bartend
  13. Assist in a public library
  14. Find clothes I really like
  15. Be able to afford them!
  16. End this list
  17. Get accepted to Columbia College
  18. Be able to afford it!
  19. See many kick-arse concerts
  20. NEVER get married (pppsssshhhh)
  21. Cut my hair insanely short
  22. Own 3+ computers
  23. Restore my dad's house
  24. Buy all the woods behind it
  25. Live in a luxurious RV
  26. Own horses (where the hell am I going to put them!?!?)
  27. Talk to Aaron again (God I'm a puss...Oh my God...that's the first time I've posted His name on here!...oh well)
  28. Run for president (...OK, that MAY be stretching it...but I'd do a hell of a lot better than the rest of them...*cough BUSH cough*)
  29. Have scholarships thrown at me (so to speak)
  30. Finish my screenplay!
  31. See Lori and Vern again (with frequency, hopefully)
  32. Get big bucks
  33. Be number 1 on tennis

Alright, that's it...most of these things are immidiate hopes, but oh well. As I've already stated, I'm tired and, now, I'm even more bored. Have a goodnight.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


This is true, I indeed have changed my mind. Before, I had planned to not post one speck of my poetry in this blog. I ment for it to be simply a pool for philosophical thinking to go, or memories that impacted me, and whatever the hell else. But, as of late, it appears I've dried up on those sorts of things, leaving me with nothing but a few updates on what I'm doing, just to get a post in. Well, quite frankly, I DON'T WANT TO BE ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE BLOGS. So, without further adeau, I will be posting my poetry on here if and when I want. This is not to say I will be posting every peice, as I feel there would be no point. Times have changed, and so do feelings, therefore I want the peices I post on here to be every bit original and authentic from that very time frame. So, here you go....oh, this was on a whim, so I've nothing to explain.


The gutters, they stutter
And into the night air do the black bats fly
Patches of grass, they try to hide
They try to deny that which they hide
Secrets of their own.

And inside those blades do the crawlers reside
Unbeknownst to those who trip on but one sip
Grasping hold of a hand-full of nothingness
And trying to make sense of everything.
They are but parallel.

Tenors send tremors through the spines
Of the white collared men who pretend
That they're not waiting for the end to begin
When everyone can see the dollar bills in their eyes
And all of those secrets they try to hide.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Can you believe the title kind of goes with the subject? (Stressing intensely on the words KIND and OF. ) I've recently received news that I do indeed have a mural painting job for a new daycare my sister is making, so I will be gone for maybe 2 weeks, with no internet! Oh God, how is one to survive? I'm just kidding....(looks around suspiciously)... (PS- Wish me luck on tennis try-outs; hopefully I'll get Varsity!)
God...I've just come to the realization that this is the last year I'll be living with my twin brother. How strange it will be to not have my other half around...We were apart once for a little under a year, and that was a very long time ago, so I don't quite remember how it felt. I remember missing him intensely, but also taking in the simple pleasures of being an only child. I'm not sure how I'll manage, whether I will miss him too much, or be surprised by not missing him at all. Hopefully, it will be somewhere in the middle.
I also recently talked to a childhood friend- best friend, actually. I was afraid that we'd strayed too far down different directions, and had changed personages too drastically, that we would not be able to have any sort of bond as we use to. However, when I talked to him, he seemed like the same old guy. I was afraid, as well, that he would run off in some kind of internet lingo that I wouldn't understand, but he didn't go too far with that. He even capitalized his Is, which is more than I can say about most. He gave me his e-mail and his home address, so hopefully we'll keep in contact. Some of my fondest, well, most of my fondest childhood memories were times spent with him. He was so great, and even when I could only visit a few times out of the year, he'd play with me everyday.
Growing up...It feels so much like a slowly steepenning hill, and then you get to a curve, which is conveniently places so that you can't see the huge drop off after it. I just talked to one of my best friends, who's now getting married and wants me to be a bride's maid. It sure will be great to see everyone, but it seems as though childhood has slipped away from me. Actually, it seems like someone just pulled the rug from under my feet, and I've fallen flat on my face into adulthood. I don't know whether to gasp in pain or to laugh at myself. I think it would be wiser to choose the latter though. So many are so eager to grow up, but I'm just eager to live this very instant, and not have to worry about the past, or the future, or what I have to do to make the future roll out smoothly. So many people put too much time and effort into the future, or "correcting" the past, that they let the present fly right by them.
I don't want to do that.

Saturday, July 10, 2004


Tuesday, July 06, 2004

R.I.P Ricky Artiburn

Last year this time, dear Uncle Ricky passed away from brain cancer. The doctors gave him 6 months to a year to live, and he died within a meer 2 months. I wish I could make a better memorium, but I don't think any type of memorium would live up to justice of just how great a man he was.

How do I say goodbye to what we had?
The good times that made us laugh
Outweigh the bad.
I thought we'd get to see forever
But forever's gone away
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

I don't know where this road
Is going to lead.
All I know is where we've been
And what we've been through.
If we get to see tomorrow
I hope it's worth all the wait
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

And I'll take with me the memories
To be my sunshine after the rain
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

And I'll take with me the memories
To be my sunshine after the rain
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

Monday, July 05, 2004


Yes, well, I've got nothing to do right now, so I've decided to take a few quizes and post them on here. I'm going to hang out with some gals tonight, so that should be fun. I also came across this really interesting essay, if you will, about genetics in the world as a whole. It appears the person who wrote it leans more towards the Christian veiw, but either way it's all factual. You should check it out. There's no such thing as a race!

Your Erogenous Zone Is Your Neck

You're particularly sensitive to kisses on your neck

But you don't mind a hickie every now and then either

Ask your partner to kiss right behind your ear

Because chances are, that's the most sensitive spot on your body

What's Your Secret Erogenous Zone?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

You Are A Woman!

Congratulations, you've made it to adulthood.

You're emotionally mature, responsible, and unlikely to act out.

You accept that life is hard - and do your best to keep things upbeat.

This makes you the perfect girlfriend... or even wife!

Are You a Girl or Woman? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You Should Stay Straight

It's not that you aren't open minded (after all, you took this quiz!)

You just aren't attracted to girls. End of story.

Maybe you're frustrated with men. Time to ditch the ones you know and start over.

The right guy for you is out there - and his boy parts fit with your girl parts.

Should You Go Lesbian?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

You Are a Flawless Beauty!

When it comes to beauty, you spare no expense - and it shows

You're the kind of woman a man would launch a thousand ships for

It's hard for anyone to beat you in the beauty department

But remember, it's okay to show a flaw or too - you've got plenty to spare

What Type of Beauty Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You Are An Independent Girlfriend!

Whoa, Ms. Independent! Your guy digs your modern style...

But he's sometimes left to wonder if you really like him.

Keep that unique spirit, but show him your love a bit more often.

No worries - you're light years away from smothering him!

What Kind Of Girlfriend Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

Your Inner Eye Color Is Blue

You've got the personality of a blue eyed women

You're intense and expressive - and always on the go

You've also got a sweet, playful side - which draws men in

What's Your Inner Eye Color? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You are a Cautious Red Light Dater

Your dating motto is "slow and steady leads the race"

You prefer a long courtship to a whirlwind romance

This doesn't mean that you are anti-social or cold

You just need time to warm up to the right guy

You're online dating style?

You are likely to take your time on your profile

Then, wait and see what kind of guy emails you

As you get more comfortable, you meet more people.

What's Your Daing Speed?
Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You are Almost Ready to Date Again

You're over him... well, mostly.

Truth be told, you still think of your ex on occasion.

Enough to effect any new relationship you may start.

Give yourself time and space - you are 90% there.

And don't swear off men, just make sure to play the field.

Are You Ready to Date Again?
Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.


There's a 51 - 75% Chance You'll Cheat!

Sound about right?

Chances are greater than not that you've cheated...

Although, probably not all that often.

If you haven't cheated yet, then you've probably been tempted.

Even if that temptation was "just" a drunken kiss.

Bring your sweetie around more often, and you won't have to get flirty with others.

Sound completely wrong?

Congratulate yourself for keeping it together...

Are You Likely to Cheat?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

...I've never cheated! I mean, in serious relationships...ppssshhhh...

Sunday, July 04, 2004


College. Though it's only a 2 syllable word, it sounds like a hurricane to the highschool senior. It really puts the phrase "so close, yet so far away" to justice, and makes it as tangible as it could possibly ever get.


When we're young, we all can't wait to grow up, get the hell away from those who raised us, and all of there tedious notions and directions. It begins to look as though noone is thinking for themselves, because they're all too busy trying to think for you. But the closer we get, the more complex the feeling becomes. At times, we're impowered by the thought of being so close to starting our REAL life, the one that counts. The one where we are the only people responsible for our actions, ideas, and opinions. On the other hand, most all of us are at times petrified, considering we've never really known how difficult it is not to have someone to pay the bills, or to take us to the doctor, or even to buy the right medicane. The responsibuility comes as a fence out of nowhere in an endless feild, and, if you're not watching where you're going, you're more than likely going to run into it, and be stuck on that side for a while.

That seems very figurative, yes, but this is to say that if you don't try building up your responsibuility for yourself beforehand, you definantly aren't going to make it out of the city/town you're stuck in. Believe me, I've seen it happen too many times. Eventually, most everyone goes out on there own, and tries living independently for a while, but we all know at least half of them come back to the place they know all too well. The place that, years ago, they would have wished never to see again.

It's so strange, that is, the thought of not having your own room, in your own family's house, being across the hall from your very own ludic brother. I know for myself, that seems very appealing, but that is not to say that it doesn't seem odd.

It's Sunday already?!? Gah! I have to mow the grass! But, hey, when I go to college, it'll be a different story...