Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


So, anyways...

School was dismissed early for Thanksgiving break...Thanksgiving is bullshit, I've come to decide. As a child in gradeschool, everyone knows this is the time of year when all of the classes in the same grade get together, make paper hats or feathered bandanas, and have a big feast. Supposedly, back in the day when we caucasian Europian outcasts invaded this "free land" for everyone and anyone to come and live (yeah, fuck anybody who already lives here), we had a big feast with the Indians celebrating our newfound friendship and brotherhood. Apparently, this little ordeal was an important enough landmark in history to JFK that he made it into a holiday in the 60s (wait a second, I think I know why he was shot now...[not that he wasn't one of our best presidents, of course]).

Mostly, after All Hallows Eve is over, everyone starts pulling out there Christmas decore, and completely skip over decorating for Thankgiving, though they still celebrate it with a huge chunk of meat and some other homeade sides for the whole family, and then some. WHen I was growing up, I would recognize this, and could not understand why my own family did not decorate with, say, a turkey in the yard, and some corn stalks and some fruit in a basket, or SOMETHING. I kind of felt bad for Thanksgiving: the dejected holiday that everone used for an excuse to get fat, and not celebrate.

This year, those thoughts began to arise in me, but with my recent studies in school, I've taken a double take on my scant opinion. Firstly, Thanksgiving has been placed rigth in the middle of hunting season, so the turkey in the yard is out of the question. Second, and probably most influential to me, that whole original feast was contradictory, deceptive, and just a big guiss to give gifts of thanks to the Indian, like blankets containing Small Pox, for example. This, in turn, was obviously a big problem, and we killed about 3/4 of the Indian population, then forced the rest to move to reservations, some being hundreds of miles away from there original land. Number three, in order to still maintain their culture, they STILL have to remain in those little areas. Maybe it's just me, but I thought segregation was over in the late 60s...?

Needless to say, I've come to the conclution that Thanksgiving is bullshit. Sure, maybe the concept of being thankful for what you have is nice and all that, but this whole historical story behind it is completely...inaccurate and condescending to what Thanksgiving supposedly stands for. Therefore, I am no longer going to include Thanksgiving in my own personally celebrated holidays, that is, when I have my own place and all that. What am I going to do then, you ask? When all are spending time with family, laughing over egnoge and eating devilled eggs and honey ham?

Well, I haven't really thought about that yet, but I think I'm going to create another holiday...