Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Kim has lied to me. I don't really know what to say to this.

Why has she lied to me? Well, most obviously it is because she is ashamed of something she has done, which is really the root of all lies:shame. That's why I personally feel lying is dishonorable to one's character and uncalled for--if you're going to do something you'll regret later, then it's best just not to do it. However, to go beyond these lengths and lie about something without even being interogated about it is...leaningly repulsive to me. If I have something I do not wish for my friends to know about, I simply do not talk about it. If they ask me about something too personal, or something I'd rather not have them savy of, I simply and politely tell them that I have no intensions of discussing the matter any further.

Now, what is it that Kim has lied about to me? She told me that, appomixately one week ago when she was taking a guy friend home, all they did were watch Pete & Pete and smoke whatever it was they decided to, which I personally knew was a bad idea, but couldn't/can't do much about. She told me, in detail, that she specifically sat on the floor, away from him, so that he wouldn't try hitting on her again, since he was on his bed and always attempted to cuddle her. Maybe she wasn't lying about the smoking part, but the rest of it was a pure fabrication.

Why would she lie to me about this? I mean, other than shame, I am suppose to be her friend, not someone she lies to just to make herself look better. Sure, this guy isn't all that attractive, and I knew that's how she felt, but that doesn't give her any more reason to lie to me and we both sit with it accordingly. This is not the nature of friends, in my eyes, and that is not how you go about creating a close, trusting friendship. I don't care what it is she did, whatever it was, and I could care less to know the details of that, but now I am disappointed in her, for the fact that she lied to me, as if on a whim. It makes me feel as though she feels that I am not intellectually apt to catch on to her falsaties, and furthermore that she is undermining my character, as if I do not deserve the truth, whatever it may be. I would have even been fine if she simply said she didn't want to talk about it, but the fact that she lied...I am at a loss of what to do, but eventually I must confront her. She cannot go on thinking that if she got away with this lie, she can certainly get away with others. No, I will not exploit her. No, I will not make rude jests. I will be understanding but firm in what I believe.

She told me, some years ago, that when her friends tell her secrets, so her they were not her secrets, so she saw no dilemna in letting others know what they were. A year following this I reminded her of the statement, and her reply is not as vivid in my memory as I would wish it so, but it was something in defence of those past beliefs, but also some righteous statement in that only the closest of friends she will hold secrets for. I am glad that I have remembered this over the years, if only because I shall know to keep my tongue guarded even now.