Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Sunday, February 05, 2006

You're an Passionate Kisser

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble

An Passionate, eh? Who'd a thunk it...but of course, you MUST have already known this...

Moving on, moving on... I don't really like posting on this thing more than once every few days, however, sometimes I get in the mood to...ramble. Something really amazing happened to me lately, and here I go sounding like everyone else in this network.

I just can't see how this dream....no, it's still a dream, but how it could come true. Was it from hoping against all hopes, or from pure dedication to the thought, or some sort of connetic energy? Is it pre-destiny? I think I'm fooling myself. Not to mention him again, but Logan (damn, too late) really ruined my perception of what people say and how literal I'm to take it. I guess my mother didn't help much in that either, but I can't help but take what people say, that is negative, literal, and second/third/fourth/etc guess everything they say that's posotive. For example, whenever a guy calls me beautiful...I wonder what he means. Is it sincere? Is it infinite, or just at that moment in time? Is it merely something he uses, the word, as a device to make me comply, or to make me feel comfortable? I am sad to have to over-analyze this particular word so much, but I suppose since I don't feel that I'm beautiful, and I cannot change my own perception, I kind of feel like I'm being lied to. It's my own fault, surely, and I feel bad for the guys, because I kind of close up on that, and they've no clue why, but that's it, and it's not something I can change at the moment.


I can stand it from one person. He called me funny looking once, though. :P Am I funny looking? I can certainly contort my face into such, but I don't think I am. Am I ugly? I'd like to not think so, and I don't think I am, either, but that's just me. I think I can take it from this person because...I trust him. I trust him like no other. I think that's it, but also the fact that I feel the same way about him, and for that to be a complete, full-on mutual feeling gives me...a certain amount of...I don't know. Contempt? But something more than contempt, more glorious in the realization that that flame is still going...I just can't find the word. Maybe I will one of these days.

I just don't know how to feel. I mean, I've most assuredly grown in the past few years, and become more...displaced from my own revellings in past failed relationships. I'm just going to feel whatever I want, and to hell with restraining those feelings, because I think that's what makes living, emotion, and it is the root of life and experience and I'd be proud to submit myself to such. Unbridle the human mind! But when I say I don't know...when I think about it, that is, this feeling that I feel, I think it's beautiful and I want to weep and now I'm laughing because that sounded like something from this hilarious scene in Bedazzled. Well, the thing is...I think I'll write more specifics later.

What the hell am I talking about?