Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Sunday, April 25, 2004


Geez...lately song lyrics have been seeming all too real with what's going on around me... I would write more, but as of late my mind's been pretty jumbled, leaving me no space to get out complete thoughts that anyone could decently interpret. Did that even make since?

So, in the meantime, I'll post little thoughts that are passing me by like clouds on a windy night...

I've always needed wide open spaces. This doesn't necessarily mean a huge amount of space, just...places that aren't crouded. I'd prefer a field over woods anyday. There's just something that puts me at utter contempt to be able to visuallize how far I can go, how free I am to move around...I dunno. I guess I also like being able to see that there's more out there than this, whatever this may be. I suppose it also relieves the daily pressures of having to worry about myself being top priority (i.e., worrying about reputation, what clothes to wear, how well I'll do on a big test, etc), and that there are other things that are just as important; that I'm only just a small aspect of this world.

Guys just don't get it. I'm speaking generally, when really it's one specific person I'm talking about. And no, this is not a topic open for discussion. Does ANY guy know what he really wants? Seriously, all the guys I've known live in the 'spur of the moment', save for a few born-agains. They think they know what they want, when really they have absolutely no clue, only how they feel at that particular moment. You argue and argue until you finally break up for the final time, and you swear it not only to him, but yourself, and a few days later he's crawling back claiming he knows there's something special still there, if you'd just give him a chance. Hello!??! The guy hasn't even had time to change! It's called insecurity. Gosh...it sucks to be able to predict someone's every movement, and know exactly what the hell's going on, even if he doesn't. That's boring.

Yea, and this entry is fucking boring, so I'm leaving. GOOD bye.