Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


I do not wish to turn this into an update blog, but I haven't anything better to do, and my creativity is being drained by a bloody thirsty, and work thirsty, summer school teacher, sooo...take it or leave it ;) It's all pretty much me talking to myself, so I can do whatever the hell I want, it's my blog, afterall.

I was called yesterday by a resteraunt called Pasta House, to which I applied last week, so hopefully they'll have good news for me. I've been practicing tennis like hell, and doing pretty well if I do say so myself. I won 3 games the other day (and only played 3), and they were 4-0. A girl asked me to be her doubles partner in some tournaments next month, which I've been wanting to do anyhow, so I was glad she'd ask me, since she's pretty good herself. I have a lot of confidence on the court, which I think impoves my game, and definantly causes those playing me to be intimidated :) I'll still keep my fingers crossed, but I'm pretty sure I'll make Varsity. My grades turned out to be split in half with As and Bs, but all of the Bs are a point or 2 away from being As, so I'm still really happy about it.

I've started on a new project: I'm writing a movie script. Usually, I start writing something, start off really strong, and then somewhere along the line loose focus and completely drop it. I really hope that doesn't happen here, because I can honestly see this movie happenning. I've been meaning to start on some scholarships, but it seems that anytime I'm out of school I just want to hang out and be lazy, which I suppose is understandable. You'd be suprised what eight hours of math can do to you.

My "new" good friends, Sarah and Katie, and I have decided we are going to have a three day festivity called "Happy Not-Birthday!" We're each going to celebrate our not-birthdays one day at a time, at one persons house at a time, and do whatever. Sarah is going to get a pinata for her's, and she's also going to have a tea party and Mud Pie. Ah, to be young again, or at least feel so. I'm going to rent lots of movie, but at the moment I seem to've forgotten everything I'm going to do, hah. Surely there will be pizza somewhere. Oh, I'm going to have a Dairy Queen Ice Cream cake, at least.

Well, might you guess what has befallen me on this rainy Wednesday? It appears, while under a frenzy of "drunkenness" (maybe so, but maybe just an excuse), Logan has decided to contact me through E-Mail. That's right, you've gueesed it, ANOTHER apology note. I know what you're saying: But there's so many already, how can there be another? I have a simple hypothesis: his *fresh* relationship has deteriorated, and school is out, so now he's bored. My reply?

Oh well, asshole.