Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Geez, I guess I'm always going to be almost ready...

You are Almost Ready to Date Again

You're over him... well, mostly.
Truth be told, you still think of your ex on occasion.
Enough to effect any new relationship you may start.
Give yourself time and space - you are 90% there.
And don't swear off men, just make sure to play the field.

Are You Ready to Date Again?Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.


I remember when my favorite show was Real World. Ah, the days of ignorance *sigh*. That was around the time when...going out with someone meant making out at the movies on the weekends, and dumping them for stupid little things. That was around the time when mainstream music was OK to listen to, when it was cool to say "yes" on the Just Say No marches, and when sitting with less the 3 people at lunch meant you were an outcast. Come to think of it, I don't really miss those days...

Now I'm listenning to Elliot Smith...I think I'm turning into a hippie, save for the long hair and funky shirts...and bell-bottums...OK, a hippie, sketching physical appearance. Accept for the fact that I just got some moccasins. Seriously, but they're cool. They're blue-suede ;-) and the have some cool beads...ANYWHO... God... There are a lot of ...'s in this "paragraph." By the way, this post has no meaning. It just gives me another excuse not to do what I'm suppose to be doing, which should be self-explanitory by the title.

I just wish the summer would come. Sometimes I feel like after highschool I won't really know what to do with myself. Right now, as most fo the time, I feel like a can't wait until the effing summer comes. I'll be glad to get out. Sometimes people are too pressumptious about that, though, and that's why I have that mere apprehention apon graduating. Nonetheless, I'm getting out of this town, college or no, but hopefully the former.

I should pray more... But I said that selfishly, as in I should pray more for myself and getting into college. I've always thought that praying for one's self was bad, and that for sure if you prayed too much like that it was bad-form, and therefore your wishes would not indeed be granted. Therefore, bad in the day when I prayed (OMG), I would always pray for a billion general things (also psuedo bad form), and then a last one for me, which I'd spend more time on then the rest of the prayer. My prayer's always started out like this: (Lay Me Down To Sleep Prayer) "God bless the people in the nursing homes and the people that have cancer and aids, that they get better, and they get well, and when they get better they have a place to stay..." I don't know why those three were the ones I chose...they just were. And from thince I would probably say something about world hunger, kids without shoes, and some other lame stuff until I got to myself. (Yeah, like I'm NOT lame...) So, it's definantly decided that if I ever fall into a platform religion, it would be catholicism...even though that's probably the tritest, and has the worst publicity and most consperacies, et cetera et cetera.

OK, changing subject... I wonder who I'll go to Prom with... Wow, I just got a chilling wave a nausea bringing that up. Is that a sign? Maybe it's because the last 33 years I've gone out with guys who went with someone else...

Gah, I'm not going to be able to go to bed until 1 o'clock if I don't start this homework soon. Don't worry, I'll just end this and go move onto something else NOT homework related...maybe I'll eat something...yea. And it really pisses me off when people go through my shit. ARGH


Saturday, September 25, 2004

Here goes some freelance in the wee hours of the morning...because I feel like it...


It does the trick, it does the trick
And I recall lying beside you
On those cold autumn days
The wind, it blew so hard against your window
And in my mind, it blew inside
And it jumbled all my thoughts
Yea, it made them all collide

I brushed my lips across yours
like the wind when it blew the leaves
I never meant to hurt you
Did you ever mean to hurt me?
I can't forget lying next to you
I can't forget those painful memories
Cause they give me hope, they give my strength
They give me everything I need

Fingers moving everywhere,
I'm trying not to wake you
But I know, somewhere inside
You are awake, but can I save you?
From the meanningless that's begging to take over
It was all in vein,
But it felt so real, it felt so right
Who in God's name created this game?

Your bed is a cloud
Your room is Heaven
Your face, the man himself
I assure you; no mistaken
I kissed you so gently,
ran my finger down your cheeks
the roses blooming on your face
Tried to freeze frame all the moments...

But they all ran away.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


He killed something inside of me

He killed the beautiful youth that was still hanging on

He really introduced me to a world full of cruelty,

Of despair and viciousness

For this I can never forgive him.

Ever since him I haven't been the same

I haven't been myself for...this whole year

The truth is, I don't know how to go back

To who I use to be

I don't know how to unbind these shackles

He placed on me so long ago,

And I can hardly remember who I use to be

Because he killed that something inside of me.

...fuck blogger

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


The Faint is coming to Columbia, MO October 26th...I hope I can go. (For the vast majority of anyone reading this, this is of no importance to you, considering I've given no locals the url for this site)... I have to get my Wisdom teeth taken out at the end of October....someone should take me for sympathy. I've heard some negative notes about the new album, because a few were disappointed that it was more about relationships as appose to the others...but these negative reviews turned posotive less than a week later, after listenning a little longer (that's the way it usually goes...at least, for me. That's the way it's been with all of my favorite albums)

+~+~+~+~+POST SCRIPT+~+~+~+ (ok, enough)

Mates of State coming to the Pilot Light in KNOXVILLE, TN November 4th.
It's an 18+ show, though...

Lori, it's fake ID time for you, my child.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

All I have to say is that there's a fucking pubic hair on my bathroom sink.


Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I swear, if blogger fucks up on me one more time I'm switching to Xanga



Have you ever...
[x] been drunk.
[x] smoked pot.
[x] kissed a member of the opposite sex.
[ ] rode in a taxi.
[x] been dumped.
[x] shoplifted.
[ ] been fired
[ ] had a threesome - kissing or otherwise
[x] snuck out of your parent's house.
[ ] been arrested.
[x] made out with a stranger.
[ ] stole something from your job.
[ ] celebrated new years in times square.
[ ] went on a blind date.
[ ] lied to a friend.
[ ] had a crush on a teacher.
[ ] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
[ ] been to europe.
[x] skipped school.
[x] thrown up from drinking.
[x] lost your sibling.
[x] had a sleepover party.
[ ] cheated on a bf/gf.
[x] been cheated on.
[ ] had a sweet sixteen.

Do you...
[ ] have a bf.
[ ] have a gf.
[ ] have a crush.
[ ] feel loved.
[ ] feel lonely.
[ ] feel happy.
[ ] hate yourself.
[ ] think you're attractive.
[ ] have a dog.
[x] have your own room.
[ ] listen to hip hop.
[x] listen to rock.
[ ] listen to soul.
[x] listen to techno.
[ ] listen to reggae.
[ ] paint your nails.
[x] have more than 1 best friend
[x] get good grades.
[ ] play an instrument.
[ ] have slippers.
[x] wear boxers.
[ ] go comando
[/] wear black eyeliner.
[ ] like the color blue.
[ ] like the color black.
[ ] like the color red.
[x] like to read.
[x] like to write.
[ ] have long hair.
[x] have short hair.
[ ] have a cell phone.
[ ] have a laptop.
[ ] have a pager.

Are you...
[ ] ugly.
[ ] pretty.
[x] ok.
[ ] bored.
[ ] happy.
[x] bilingual.
[x] caucasian.
[x] black.
[ ] mexican.
[ ] asian.
[x] short.
[ ] tall.
[ ] grounded.
[ ] sick.
[x] a virgin.
[x] lazy.
[x] single.
[ ] taken.
[x] looking.
[x] not looking.
[ ] talking to someone.
[ ] IMing someone.
[ ] scared to die.
[ ] tired.
[ ] sleepy.
[x] annoyed.
[x] hungry.
[x] thirsty.
[ ] on the phone.
[ ] in your room.
[ ] drinking something.
[ ] eating something
[x] in your pjs.
[x] ticklish.
[ ] listening to music.

Some of these were really inspecific, so I answered them as honestly as I could. Als0, I've noticed that, compared to friends, mine is a lot different from the majority, past the top part. Oh well, that's just me

Sunday, September 05, 2004


spell your name backwards: Ener
have you ever had a song written about you: Do poems count?
what song makes you cry: Dunno...
what song makes you laugh: heh...The title is too vulgar for me to post
what's your all time fav. song?: There are a lot... October 27, The Background, Lives, Lover I Don't Have to love, Eunuch Provocateur, etcetc
what do you listen to before you go to sleep: My cat attacking a limb I forget to cover/me swearing
height: 5' 2"
hair color: brown
piercings: 4; 2 in each ear
tattoos: I've none

Right Now . . .
what color pants are you wearing: blue SHORTS *ehhum*
what song are you listening to: Doug- Bangin' On a Trashcan
what taste is in your mouth?: toothpaste ...mmmmmmm ;)
whats the weather like?: Sunny, with some clouds
how are you?: alive

Do You . . .
get motion sickness?: yes
have a bad habit?: taking things too literally
get along with your parents?: dad, yes, mum...well, I keep my distance
have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: hell to the no
have a current crush: "
have a big regret: I don't find necessity or benefit in regret, so no

Favorite . . .
tv show: I don't watch TV, but if I did...probably Real World
conditioner: Pert 2 in 1
book: Watership Down or the Exiles trilogy or the Heritage of Shannara chronicles
non-alchohol drink: I like smoothies, mmmmm
alchohol drink: light-shmirnoff lime, pina colada hard-tequilla, any vodka mix
things to do on the weekend: edit my movie, get caught up on things I couldn't do that week

Have You Ever . . .
broken the law: plenty
ran away from home: here and there
snuck out of the house: plenty
ever gone skinny dipping: in my shower...everynight...
made a prank phone call: yea, they were all to people I know though :/
tipped over a portapotty: no...
used your parents credit card: nope
skipped school before: Yea, but I've never skipped and gone someplace with anyone
fell asleep in the shower/bath: not that I know of
been in a school play: yes
had a boyfriend/girlfriend: of COURSE
had children: non
been in love: yea...
have a hard time getting over someone: yes
been hurt?: yes
gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: probably, hah, but not since middle school

Random . . .
have a job: full-time unemployed
your cd player has what in it right now: At the Drive-In, Zin and the Art of Chilling...probably a mix or 2
if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: jungle green
what makes you happy?: making movies
the next CD you're going to buy: I usually just burn them, but either Bright Eyes or Pretty Girls Make Graves

When/Who/What Was the Last . . .
you got a real letter: probably a few weeks ago
got an e-mail: today
thing you purchased: Cottun Candy and some videos
tv program you watched: The Golden Bowl (some IFC movie, kind of sucked)
movie you saw in the theaters: The Exorsict:The Beginning
kissed: Some asshole who will soon be rotting in hell
hugged: one of my nephews
song heard: Aladdin- A Whole New World
place you were [ besides home ]: picking my bro up at RollarZone
phonecall: my mum
you were depressed: last night (I just got the worst haircut ever, EVER)
you were in the hospital: For a checkup about my jaw

What Comes to Mind When You Hear . . .
car: truck
murder: crime
scape: goat
penis: dick
cell: phone
shoe: shrew
fun: slides
crush: break
music: genre
chalk: Kyle (Chaulk)

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I hate new blogger....fuck you ten fold...

