Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Monday, May 24, 2004


One day left and school will be officially out...thank Heaven, though lately I've been using language against it's leader way too much. Basically all of the college kids around here will be gone next year...I don't know whether to be dismayed or jump with rejoice. I think I'd rather be the latter than the former, though, wouldn't you?

I miss the way everyone use to be. I miss the way I use to be. But things happen, people change, and over time, we are all rearranged. Into what? I don't know, all I know is that's the way things are meant to be, and I feel content in that knowledge. I'm not trying to interpret here that I'm accepting an age old pattern, I'm simply saying we learn from every single aspect that takes place in our lives. Whether it be deciding we're old enough to sleep without a night light, tripping down the steps at school, or even never telling someone we love them - until it's too late.

There are only a few people that I'll be glad to see leave my life for good. These people are the ones that have changed not only themselves, but my life in a dramatic way. I'm thankful for that, though its been a tremendously painful process. Others are mere spectrums, who've been entertaining, but that I haven't been around long enough to really get to know or care about. Then there are the few that I will miss. Some I'll miss in a way that they were always there to support me, and back me up in a situation in which I couldn't have gone on without someone to monitor my clumsy steps, while the pendalum swinged closer and closer.

Others I'll miss in a timeless way. I miss them now, even when they're still here. I'm not sure that there is more than one, but there is one in particular. I miss this person in a way that one misses the innocence of childhood. This person has changed, and I'm not sure how, because I got out a long, long time ago. You see, I saw the change coming, and the last few entries are solid proof that sticking around to watch it is even more painful than giving it up. I gave this person up, and that's the way it was meant to be. Sometimes I muse about what steps could have been taken to right whatever wrong there was, but thinking this way is pointless, and gets one nowhere. I know we could have made it, we were birds of a feather, and I'll never stop thinking how beautiful He was. I'm content with knowing that I'll never be back in those shoes, and that things will never be the same, but I do miss the time in which we were one person. There was nothing else on the earth - nothing. Time stood still, and it's still frozen in my memory, and I'll cherish it there forever, I swear it.

There are some people, though the group is quite small, that I love. I love them right now, and I hopefully won't stop loving them. Some people I once loved, but we've become distant, or our paths have strayed from one another. Others I find all the strength in the world in, yet I do not feel the connection, yet, that I do with the people I really love. What is love? To me, love is this:

1) Alex A. This amazing man decided, after getting to know my brother and I, that he would stick around to be a father for us, even though he hadn't even reached the age of 30. A father he said he'd never had, and a father we would have never had, had it not been for him. Though he lives a simple life, there is nothing simple about this man. Not only am I proud to call him Dad, but he's made a irreplaceable mark on my heart that continues to help me with every decision I make.

2) Stevie M. As a child, I never found any value in my twin brother. But, as I matured, I came to realize that, no matter what I do, I'll always have him as my best friend. Though we've been seperated a few sparse times in our life, nothing will ever again seperate us from each other. I confide in him secrets that I tell to no one else, and how I truely feel about it, not how I'd like to feel, because he's practically the male version of me. Though it is sometimes hard, being siblings and all, he motivates me to be the best that I can, because not only am I doing it for my own ass, but I'm doing it for his.

3) Lori G. What can I say? This kid is beautiful in every way, though she can make some pretty deminted faces. She's such a funny person to be around, and we have a relationship where we can always laugh at life, because if we didn't point that out to each other, we'd probably cry. Not only is she talented visually ( you should see some of the amazing pictures she's taken), but she has an extremely sober take on things that really puts you in tune with, well, everything.

4) Verny B. Here is another prime example of whom I love. She's sometimes so blind in being a perfectionist, that she doesn't see how wonderful she's already become. She's also funny, but in a way in which you laugh AT her, but she's laughing at herself too. She'd so passionate in everything she does or persues, and that's what's so great about being her friend. She'll always be exstatic for you, and it's kind of a contagious feeling.

5) Nickie C. This is the most down-to-earth friend I think I've ever had, which is kind of ironic, considering she's the only one who doesn't have any clue what kind of a career she wants to persue. Through thick and thin, no matter how much time lapses or things that take place, she'll always be my shoulder to lean on. Actually, it took me awhile to find who she truly was; I'd known her for years before we were even friends. She's so beautiful - inside and out, and she's a great romodel for anyone at any age. Actually, I don't think I realize how lucky I am to have her as a friend.

Thank you to all of these amazing people, wherever you are. Never lose touch with me, I'd be nowhere without you.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004


I really can't believe it. It's finally over. But why is it that I feel so happy?

Not to say that things are easier now, socially. Not so much socially, but since everyone's been divided into 20 different ways in reference to groups of friends. Before, though, I was questionning everyone in terms of who was really a friend, and who indeed was not. Now, though, I see I've had support from about half the people this whole time. And even now, they're helping me up from that big fall. Honestly, I don't think I would have made it through without them. I believe his insane theories would have swallowed me whole, and I would have fallen victim to having believed that I actually WAS the terrible person that everyone hated. What a bastard, huh?

The funny thing is, though he said he never wanted to talk to me again, he talked to me in a thread, with his insivible ink pouring out everywhere. By invisible ink, I mean stupid, irrelivant stuff that was intended to cut deeply, but was actually laughable. Seriously, it was over me bringing chips to a BBQ, and him tell me to shut up and go listen to The Mars Volta on repeat, which I've never done in the first place, though they are one of my favorite bands. What a kook, huh?

Though everything has been a lot better, and everyone has noticed the old me is back again, I am still doubtful of some people. I know they try to be my friends, but the magority clearly don't know how to, and I'm not going to waste my time trying to teach them. About my "friend" that's now seeing Logan...I'm honestly not sure at all- I have NO clue. I mean, if that stuff hadn't have happened, I would probably be talking to and hanging out with the girl a lot more. But it's hard, you know? I don't believe she knows how hard it actually is, because she's so innocently naive about anything when it comes to seeing people. I've definantly places her best friend, which use to be my friend, back to a solid aquantince, though she tries just being friends as usual. I'm not cruel to the girl, and I don't ignore her, but...yea, I don't know what to say :).

Hmmm...I hope Logan realizes in the near feature how totally ludacris he's becoming, and that someday he'll even mull over how I once tried to help him out. Our fall was inevitable, however, I knew that even before we'd gotten together. I'd told me friends I'd wanted to stay friend with him before them, though I had earlier had a thing for him, but I still said "ah, what the hell" when the oppurtunity arrived. I don't regret anything, because I hardly regret anything I do (you learn and become more of an individual with each situation you go through), but it's...it's kind of sad how messy things actually became. Suffice to say, I don't plan on getting serious with anyone anytime soon, and if the oppurtunity does indeed arrive...no thank you.

I do wish that I could warn this girl involved with him about him, but I know that would just cause a lot of drama, and, of course, the only way she can learn the truth is to experience it. Hey, maybe they will work out? But I'm thinking...no. Anyhow, though it seems so dark, for them doing what they've done, I hope they go through all of that together, because maybe it will make him wake up, and maybe it will make her realize that looks can be decieving.

Well, that's that. Hopefully I can get back to my idealogies rather than dicussing current events...gah

Saturday, May 15, 2004


The following entry contains real life drama that may be offensive to the readers eyes. Veiwer's discression is advised. Just to let you know...I'm "selfabsorbyourself." Actually, I'm pretty proud of my ridiculousness. I got a few good blows in there, if you'll notice. Being that this was my first time ever responding to this regular verbal abuse, I found it quite exhilirating, and, now that I look back at it, it's kind of funny. Honestly, it's all pretty pathetic, and I'm glad this is the only time I'd ever done it, otherwise I'd come across as a complete idiot. Notice how he claims that I'm the one trying to be deep and logical, when really he's the one doing it. OK, grab your bag of popcorn, 'cause it's about to begin! (Need some background info? Well, the last two entries may help, but just to fill you in, we've been something along the lines of dating and going out since the beginning of 2004. You wouldn't BELIEVE how dedicated this guy was. He'd said to me a few days after he wanted to try again "he needed some space to figure things out," but a few days later he, all of the sudden, is infatuated with a dear friend of mine. Needless to say, it's been excruciatingly hard for me to talk to or even LOOK at my OWN friend, who obviously isn't much of a friend, huh? Don't worry, I'm pretty sure this is the LAST time we'll ever talk.)

selfabsorbyourself says:
loganogan says:
wtf do you want?
selfabsorbyourself says:
I was just giving you that address
loganogan says:
thanks, but I've had it for quite some time now
loganogan says:
did you have a lovely chat?
selfabsorbyourself says:
Yea? Oh, that's cool, but I've only had it for a week :-/
selfabsorbyourself says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
With who?
loganogan says:
with Lauren
loganogan says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
Heh, sorry, it's late, I guess I'm not thinking...no, not yet, and I'm sure she's was pretty busy tongith and all...
selfabsorbyourself says:
and I'm going out of town all tomorrow and all that...
loganogan says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
loganogan says:
well I have a pretty little note to send you before you go on your way
selfabsorbyourself says:
you do....
selfabsorbyourself says:
Man, it's too bad I don't have a good feeling about it, though I wouldn't know why that is...
selfabsorbyourself says:
Would you?
selfabsorbyourself says:
Goddamn it Logan, how can you assume so low of me? I haven't done anything, and she's my friend too! She's been my friend just as long as she has you
selfabsorbyourself says:
loganogan says:
I want you to stay the fuck out of this
selfabsorbyourself says:
I am staying the fuck out of this
loganogan says:
I respect you talking to her and straightening out whatever you have to
selfabsorbyourself says:
I don't want to fucking get involved
loganogan says:
but none of this is any of your concern
selfabsorbyourself says:
I know that already
loganogan says:
find something else to ruffle your sheets over
selfabsorbyourself says:
fuck that
loganogan says:
I don't care about what you think or have to say about anything
selfabsorbyourself says:
OK, that's fine with me, I just knew I'd have to tell you and understand that you were absolutely sure before I talked to her
loganogan says:
this isn't just the fucking internet, it's what's in the email that I just accidentally deleted
selfabsorbyourself says:
otherwise you'd think I was going behind your back
selfabsorbyourself says:
so either way, you get pissed off at me
loganogan says:
fuck, just get pissed off at me already and stop bothering me
selfabsorbyourself says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
But wouldn't you see that as the case as well?
selfabsorbyourself says:
Wouldn't you be pissed if I'd have talked to her about it before I told you?
loganogan says:
I don't give a fuck what you do as long as it has nothing to do with m
loganogan says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
But what have I done to you?
loganogan says:
I'm even more sick of being a part of your bullshit than the last time I said I was sick of being a part of your bullshit
selfabsorbyourself says:
No no, you see, THAT'S bullshit DOLL
loganogan says:
nothing...I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. You just keep proving time and time again what an insane and impossible person to get along with you are
loganogan says:
you're a fucking dumbass
selfabsorbyourself says:
Why do you have to be likle that?
selfabsorbyourself says:
What the hell is your problem Logan!??!
selfabsorbyourself says:
Goddamn it, look at yourself!
loganogan says:
you're a condescending bitch with your retarted "goddamnit look at yourself!" bullshit and your "if you know what I mean, cause you should" and your thinking you can see through people
loganogan says:
fuck off
loganogan says:
you can't see through shit
selfabsorbyourself says:
Either way, I'm loosing friends, and I know that makes you happy and all...I was just being considerate by not leaving you in that the dark
loganogan says:
of course she's not a stand in you fucking asshole
selfabsorbyourself says:
no, that's NOT what I meant
loganogan says:
who do you think you are?
selfabsorbyourself says:
and i told you it wasn't directed towards you
loganogan says:
I don't give a fuck, you have friends, but I am obviously not one of them anymore
loganogan says:
so be concerned with them
selfabsorbyourself says:
i was talking about SATURDAY NIGHT LOGAN
selfabsorbyourself says:
you talked to her, you didn't tell me about that
selfabsorbyourself says:
you didn't tell me the process had already began
loganogan says:
I know it's not directed toward me and it's not an attack, I didn't tell you because I don't want you to be any part of it, or know anything about it that you don't need to know
selfabsorbyourself says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
loganogan says:
I know you think you're just coming to me as a friend, but every attempt you make at that always results in total bullshit, you're fucking insane
selfabsorbyourself says:
No, you're fucking insane, you even went to prom with a lunatic
selfabsorbyourself says:
there? are you happy?
loganogan says:
it was pretty fucking easy to change my mind pretty quickly
selfabsorbyourself says:
there, I'm using your stupid bullshit
selfabsorbyourself says:
now I'm just as pathetic as you are
loganogan says:
even your attitude now only makes it that much easier to realize what a good choice it was for me to completely forget about you
selfabsorbyourself says:
nono, that's you, fuck you
selfabsorbyourself says:
I don't care
selfabsorbyourself says:
I want you to totally forget about me
selfabsorbyourself says:
and have no type of feelings towards me whatsoever
selfabsorbyourself says:
I'm just another face in the crowd
loganogan says:
I ALSO told you that I was at a turning point where I saw myself going in two competely different directions..I just happened to take the RIGHT path..the one that doesn't involve you in any way whatsoever
loganogan says:
I want you to totally stop talking to me
selfabsorbyourself says:
fuck you
loganogan says:
I wanted you to forget about me weeks ago
selfabsorbyourself says:
bastard, block me, i've already had you blocked enough
loganogan says:
shut the fuck up
selfabsorbyourself says:
fuck you
loganogan says:
you fucking dumbass
selfabsorbyourself says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
loganogan says:
you're a retard little bitch
selfabsorbyourself says:
Yea, i'm the idiot, and I'm getting all A's
loganogan says:
who has no grasp of reality
loganogan says:
see...more proof of your condescending, egocentric bullshit
selfabsorbyourself says:
I don't care, say what you want, you're shit to me
loganogan says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
loganogan says:
now please grant me my wish and SHUT THE FUCK UP
selfabsorbyourself says:
fuck you
selfabsorbyourself says:
loganogan says:
you are nothing to me
selfabsorbyourself says:
loganogan says:
no I"m going to go listen to the voices of the pot demons in my heae
loganogan says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
don't ever talk to me again, don't even look at me
loganogan says:
they tell me to do things
selfabsorbyourself says:
good, I hope you do
selfabsorbyourself says:
that would be the best thing for you
selfabsorbyourself says:
so you can forget about anything that ever happened
loganogan says:
you're still talking to me you overdramatic bitch
selfabsorbyourself says:
How does that make you any better than me?>
loganogan says:
rambling on with your pathetic attempts at trying to sound deep or logical
selfabsorbyourself says:
Oh give me a break
loganogan says:
fuck you
selfabsorbyourself says:
fuck you
loganogan says:
you're a competative bitch
selfabsorbyourself says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
I am?
loganogan says:
whose only claim is that she's biggest stupid bitch of all
selfabsorbyourself says:
oooo, thanks for clearing that one up, Logan
selfabsorbyourself says:
Wooow, impressive
selfabsorbyourself says:
come on, keep um goin
loganogan says:
well, I'm going to go get a milkshake..have fun sucking your thumb and thinking your stupid bitchy thoughts
selfabsorbyourself says:
maybe you'll get a treat
loganogan says:
your pussy stinks
selfabsorbyourself says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
you'd know?
selfabsorbyourself says:
you've never had pussy
selfabsorbyourself says:
so who cares
loganogan says:
well I'll not see ya later
selfabsorbyourself says:
back at ya
loganogan says:
I hope you shoot yourself in the face
loganogan says:
buh bye
selfabsorbyourself says:
Sounds fun
selfabsorbyourself says:
and messy
loganogan says:
just promise me you'll never say another word to me again
selfabsorbyourself says:
Oh geez, here he goes again...
selfabsorbyourself says:
i'll just say fuck you and leave it at that
loganogan says:
well...nevermind that...I really don't care
loganogan says:
fuck off
selfabsorbyourself says:
if you never say another word to me, I won't to you
loganogan says:
fuck off
loganogan says:
fuck off
selfabsorbyourself says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
loganogan says:
your words are empty
selfabsorbyourself says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
loganogan says:
along with your opinions and any sort of fucked up conviction you ever had
selfabsorbyourself says:
You know, I now see what it's like, it does feel good to be a stupid bitch
selfabsorbyourself says:
I had an operation?
loganogan says:
good, because that's all you'll ever be
selfabsorbyourself says:
How'd you know?
loganogan says:
loganogan says:
loganogan says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
loganogan says:
selfabsorbyourself says:
is that all you've got
selfabsorbyourself says:
come ON
selfabsorbyourself says:
*internet battles* wooooooooo
loganogan says:
I'm not wasting anymore time on the biggest waste of time I've ever wasted time on
selfabsorbyourself says:
this should be a sport
loganogan says:
fuck you
selfabsorbyourself says:
wow, i don't care...?
loganogan says:
I'm out
selfabsorbyourself says:
uh huh


Thursday, May 13, 2004


This is what it is to be left alone

How can people see the day if everything's gray?
It tickles like the spinal tap you never asked for
And it seethes like the old man's last breath
How can it be so hard to believe
When you've already realized that there's nothing left?

God, the rain is so cold now-a-days
And it splashes down as a wraith over the meek
And the people around you think they see right through you
And your friends blame you for seeing right though them
And it's so hard to keep a straight face when they point
Because it's you that they are betraying

The white-hot anger seeps through every core
Until there's nothing left
And you melt into a liquid with no place to go
Then they finally throw you off the cliff
And even your most beloved peice of yarn
Refuses to be knit
But instead, it stabs you in the heart
But, of course, you forgive and forget

You forgive and forget

Open your eyes, and see what you've done to me!
Turn on the lights, and look you at my wounds!
They stab; the stab you in the dark
And that's what hurts the worst of all

And that's what hurts the worst

Tuesday, May 11, 2004


So...here's the breakdown on the "Logan Situation"...

Recently, as in last night, Logan I got together to discuss what the hell was going on, though I practially had to pull him in chains to do so. From 7:30 to 9:30 Central Standard Time, Logan and I spent time walking around a trial in a fores-like known as Engler Park, finally stopping and sitting on some chair-sized rocks, on a man-made island, in the middle of one of the many man-made ponds there. We started conversation off casually, breifly discussing this and that, such as "how was your weekend?" and "remember that one time when..." and so forth.

It appeared he wasn't going to have enough strength to start things off, so, of course, I had to begin it, though I did it extremely suttly, so as not to start off in a defensive manner. "So yeah...what's up? Why do you feel the way you feel?"

We both handled things pretty well, and he told me about how he just couldn't stand me, though he had nothing to prove that I'd done anything to him. He even said it himself that I'd done nothing, and that he'd even told people I'd done nothing. However, what's going on here doesn't much have to do with the relationship between he and I, but more so with him, and who he's become.

He admitted that it wasn't necessary for him to add in the hateful behavior when he'd requested to have some space, which I'd told him I'd gladly have given him and will give him, but that he'd just had so much frustration building up that it'd just fueled out. From what, I'm not sure. Probably because he hadn't been mean to me or called me a bitch out of nowhere in a whole week, and that was a record.

Then I began to tell him, slowly but surely, that he had changed. And it wasn't just towards me, but many people close to him have noticed as well, though I wouldn't give the names. I told him how the use of pot causes excessive mood swings, irritabuility, and unreasonable anger. I also included that it wasn't really the drugs I was concerned about, ubt the effects they were having on him. I reassured him that I know everyone changes, and that even I've changed, but that he should look very hard in the mirror, and maybe then he'd get a glimpse of what he's become.

All of this I suppose may have been shocking to him, and, as anyone would do, he sort of laughed at the corniness of it, and said that was entirely NOT what he'd come to talk about. I knew that, and I told him I knew, and I wasn't trying to put myself on a higher, all-knowing pedestal than him, though he'd lowered me enough, but I was trying to help him the only way I knew how, where others just left him, because maybe they had too much faith that he'd do best on his own.

I proceeded to remind him that he'd been doing a lot more drugs this year than before it started, and that he'd been hanging around people who pretty much all out despise me. It's reasonable and logical to take it that, after a while, one begins to pick up certain antics of the people they are around most, such as a laugh, or a gesture. If this is so, it's quite possible that the irritabuilities they'd began to have with me then became his irritabuilities, or more distinct. Not only that, but trying to take all of that alone would be understandably tough. Surely he'd been poked at about hanging out with me, and after he'd treated me so harshly, he'd recieved a pat on the back. He'd said he didn't think that was the issue, then again I believe he's quite in a state of denial.

I'm sure I've failed to list other important aspects, but now I must move on to our resolution to the problem. Even at this point, he was being moody with me, saying one minute he'd regreted everything, saying the next minute he'd like to be me friend, then saying he can't stand being around me...so it appeared obvious to me that I'd have to do this for him, but make it appear it was his decision. So then, "we" came to the conclusion that I will give him as much time and space as he needs, so that he can have some time to himself to figure out things. Whenever he feels ready enough, we can begin to hang out again, but we will never again talk over the internet, though e-mailing will be acceptable.

I understand that this is mandatory, considering I've been in his position. He needs some time to really define who he's become, and determine if that's what he should really be, and if it's the best he can be. Then, he'll have to make amends with how he feels about me. In some ways, I feel that I've been his scapegoat, saving him from lashing out at himself. Maybe he feels I'm the one who's corrupted him, when really it's the drugs (this year he became hostile, and this year he started doing them more heavily). Nonetheless, he'll need some time to recooperate from whatever the hell's going on, and I know I've done all I can do. I can't help him with that, and I honestly don't want to deal with the troubles of doing so. At least I know I haven't left him in a pool of sharks, like all the others have.

He also brought up that we should see other people. I'm somewhat baffled by him caring to bring up the subject, considering I've stated to him numerous times we're just friends, so that shouldn't matter, but I'm glad he did. Of course you know that whenever someone says that, they're interested in someone. I think Logan feels that he has to have some sort of relationship there to work towards, otherwise there isn't anything worth doing anything for. So, I told him that I knew all of this, and he told me to guess who, which I correctly guessed at the first try. The problem is, this girl and I are good friends, and I'd told Logan that if we were to ever break up (back when we were going out) to not go there, because I knew she had a crush on him, and I knew that might hinder my relationship with the girl. I respect her, and I suppose I'm as comfortable as one can possibly get about it, but I told him he should really, REALLY think about it before he dives into something else, whether it be serious or whimsical dating. I expressed to him that as long as she didn't talk to me about anything, it might not affect our relationship, though I also added that it could possibly ruin my friendship with her, which would be sad, because we get along well, and she's a cool kid. I told him, if he attempts something there, that it would be best to at least wait until school is out, not only for the timing with him and I, but because it would just be another huge scandal in the drama of school.

So...that's it. Maybe I'll have updates in that area in a few weeks, but for now there's nothing. I asked him if he'd truly regretted everything, and included that if he truly did, then how could he have said he knew there was something about me, when he saw me for the very first time? I mean, the guy had even remembered the clothes I was wearing. He then said , after thinking about it for a minute or two, that he indeed did not regret being with me, the way it was way back when.

I wonder, just wonder, did he see that something the first time he'd seen my friend?

Thursday, May 06, 2004


Yeah, sorry about the interruption, but the reason writing has been delayed is because I haven't been sure rather to continue on with this, or describe the madness that has come to hand since May began. Because I cannot consintrate on apprecieting many things right now, I've decided to post some...drama.


Heh, sorry, that's not to you, but if the person who it belongs were to stumble apon this blog, he would know it as being rightfully his. I know what you're thinking: Who'd have thought it to be a guy?! OMG Uh huh...

ANYhow, so, Logan and I had made it clear with each other that we were to be merely very good friends (what the hell would you know, I never told you that!), and it seemed everything was going fine until, who'd-a-thunk it, Logan became confused! That's right, as unbelieveable as it may sound...ANYhow, apparently Logan was not yet "over me," and he needed some time and distance away from me to figure things out. This, to me, seemed quite understandable, and I was more than willing to help the dumbass (oops) out and NOT hang out with him.

That's when he pulled the last straw.

For some reason, he felt compelled to speak roughly to me again, though he'd just pointed out he'd been really nice for a whole week (OMG, BROKEN RECORD). He then began tell me to "fuck off, bitch," and that he was tired of my, MY bullshit, and that he thought we could be friends, but apparently not, because no one can ever be friends with me. You know, he even went far enough to say that I'd been banned from one of our use-to-be mutual friends house? That's so ridiculous and ironic, because I'd decided on "that fateful night" that I was never going back there again, AND I'd told him that very same night, when I'd broken up with him. But oh, I forgot, they'd been caniving against me the whole time, and apparently had become tired of my "annoying tendancies." Furthermore, he told me that he was a fool to ever try and mend things together from the start, that he regreted everything, that I was "a fucking idiot" (this in only one of the many names he called me; what's new), and that he was trying to get me to hate him (for what reason, I know not).

And all of this started from a simple question: Logan, are you going to give me a ride to school tomorrow?

Yea, and you thought women were moody? Think again.

Though this wasn't the only time he'd been so hateful and ugly towards me, this, indefinantly, was the worst, and I'd never seen it coming. Everything was so fast, yet hurt like a million years of torture. I knew I had to do something, because if I just sat and did nothing I'd scream. I just kind of paced a little bit, with my crazy eyes fighting off the tears, running my hands through my hair swiftly. So I grabbed my jacket and ran the hell out of my house, as fast as I could. I didn't have a clue where I was going, I just knew I had to get the hell out of there.

Tears streaked down my face as the harsh wind assulted my hair and face. I didn't care, I could hardly feel it. The only thing I could feel was the white hot rage storming through every peice of my body, and the pounding heart which I felt would explode at any moment. I eventually ended up at some sucluded park bench, a little ways away from a cluster of trailers, and blocks from my neighborhood. I dared anyone passing by in a car to look into my eyes- to even get a glimpes of the pain I felt. Betrayal, pure and naked betrayal. I even dared nature, I even dared God. Though it was raining and windy, I felt as though I were about to burst into flames.

When I finally cooled down, which must have been an hour or two later, being that the sun ahd gone down, I came back to find that my brother'd been searching the neighborhood for me, and was now talking to Logan. Stevie said to me that Logan had seemed concerned, and claimed that he knew nothing of why I was so upset. As soon as Stevie gave the up-date to Logan that I was indeed back, Logan left to go "take a shower." When I got online later, he'd told the use-to-be mutual friend, Alex, about it, because Alex wrote out of nowhere in a forum "let's see if we can freak her out again and make her run out of her house." Yes, as if someone had actually MADE me run out of my house besides me. Pure ignorance, what a pathetic prick to give a damn about me running out of my house, as if it's any of his business, and as if no one in the world has ever done it.

Though it seemed Logan wished never to have anything to do with me anymore, what the hell when I walk down the hall, see him, and he SMILES at me. WHAT. THE. HELL. After he's said all of these terrible, terrible things, he SMILES at ME. That fucking...asshole. SO, I figured hey, if he can say it to me a dozen times over the internet, surely he'll say it to my face. I WANT him to.

So, this morning, I stood in front of the door that I know he goes into every morning and waited. Waited for my pray. When he finally came, he said "looking for someone?" No, dickface, I'm just standing here so I can be late for class. I then challenged him to, as I've stated, say it to my face, whatever he wants to say or call me. I continued to pursued him into doing so by telling him that he surely has SOMETHING to say, and that if he really ment what he said, if he was a man of his word, then he would tell me, right there. He tried to ask if he could do it at a later time, but there wasn't going to be a later time. It's now or never, babe.

He said he had nothing to say to me. Then I walked away.

What a sissy, huh? Now, I ask you, is that the TRUE definition on an honorable character? This may seem biast, because you haven't heard the "other side," but, in truth, there IS no other side. Yea, and to top off his maturity, I'm pretty sure I saw him flip me off after school in the parking lot. Oh, and he smiled at me again on the way to lunch...

I give good thought to the things I say or write before I say or write them. Before I even think about saying or writing something, I make sure I truely and honestly feel or believe what I'm about to impress apon someone. So, naturally, when I say or write something, I don't just mean it right then, I really MEAN it. Now then, when Logan says or writes something, it's, in my opinion, on a whim, and it's only how he feels at that split second that he says or writes it. Possibly not even that. Most of the time, I believe it's what he WANTS to feel, or wants the other person to feel that way, whether good or bad.

At first, this was the thing he'd always dreamed of, then he'd "been mindless" and wanted to make it all up. He KNEW he could, and he'd do ANYTHING to have it back, including giving up that sweet herb he doth love so. Then, he became ugly, then he wanted to repent from that, by giving up not only that herb, but some of the friends he'd felt had been having a bad impression apon his desires. Then, when it was really, really over, he wanted to give it another try. Then he wanted to be friends, and thought I was wanting more than that, and didn't want to make me feel bad (yeah, right). Then he wanted to be with me again, then he became ugly again, then I'd sent him a letter that he'd "given deep though to," and that had made him finally realize that he never wanted to be that way again. Then, he'd said he was stupid for going to prom with someone else, because all he'd ever wanted was me (uh huh, if that were true, you wouldn't still be going to prom with that fucked up bitch, WHO is honestly crazy, goes to counseling, anger management, holds grudges for ANYTHING [no kidding, she once held a grudge towards a kid for not giving her back $1 he borrowed], hates her friend every other week [i use to be her friend, then she started hating me, i still don't know why], and whom of which once held a grudge against you, calling you the biggest asshole she'd ever known) Then, he was content with being my friend, and cherished our friendship, and was very careful with his words and trying to understand my words. Then he became confused, and wanted to be away for a week, to see how things went. Then he wanted me to hate him, and became a complete asshole.

Boy, he sure did a good job. 'Cuz I sure as hell NEVER want to be his friend again.