Wardrobe of Eunuchs

L'histoire de Moi

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Returned from Hiatus.

After many trials and tribulations, I've finally succeeded in becoming another statistic. That's right, I've made it into college, and a private, re-nowned one at that. What does that mean? Why only that I've had to search and grovile about for tons of financial aide, silly. At this point, my only real dilemma is figuring out how to pay my $650 a month rent... hopefully this last scholarship I applied for will minimize that to about $100-200, then maybe I won't be having such a problem...

Moving on to my usual crypticisms... life...is....pletifully dull. At the moment, that is. I am...not lonely, rather, longing for person to person contact which I do not have readily at my fingertips. Gas prices are giving me a decidedly negative perspective of todays government, and it brings me down in moods, that is, gas prices. Please, I know we're a high-speed society, but does the government even care that we're currently robbing ourselves out of our minds? I wish a respectful sum of people would so some sit down protests at gas stations across the US...maybe I should organize it myself, via internet.

It's amazing that such a thing could make me so incredibly sad, though. However, at the rate gas prices are going, I can see it getting up to $3 a gallon within a year... and I don't think I'm willing to pay that much on a regular bases for something that was 99 cents 5 years ago. If it were something like a household item, such as a toaster, I wouldn't mind so much, but gas is an ongoing thing one must have for personal vehicular transportation. This limits me greatly: I will have to live in a metropolis, at that, one which provides public transportation, and I will definantly have to utilize my time wisely, because walking just a mile takes about 20 minutes.

Then again, I will of course have a bicycle, but when it comes to, say, and interview, that wouldn't be an option: my hair would be crazy in no time, and I would be perspiring like a mother. Hmmm...I think I'm going to have to do some research on electric vehicles...
